By Anonymous - 11/05/2015 06:59 - Canada - Maple Ridge

Today, once again, I explained that yes, I'm Russian. No, I'm not a communist. No, I don't pray to a picture of Putin riding a bear. And no, I don't have any vodka on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 304
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No vodka on you? What good is being Russian? I'm sincerely disappointed, OP.

Wizardo 33

As any well trained sleeper cell is meant to do buddy.


Well, of course it does. Said post would be even more ridiculous if he was still living in Russia. People do migrate you know...

So.... when did you stop being a communist, what is Out in riding in the picture of his that you pray to, and if you don't have any vodka on you, where do you keep your vodka.

Well, bet you're kicking yourself over that last one. Probably would have made things tolerable.

MashaV 6

I've been there! Im Russian too and I've heard more than enough of that nonsense... I try to laugh it off but when people make vodka jokes too much it just gets annoying. It's really exciting when i meet other Russian people at school though and we can rant about it to each other.

I didn't even know those were stereotypes lol

Yup, my parents are mexican and they never have any tacos on them.

illumanati 10

That's preposterous!! Everyone should have vodka!

Of course you don't have vodka, you finished it all off at breakfast. Some people are just SMRT smart. Just work on some dumb-ass answers that amuse you for the next time people ask you stupid questions. Its what I do to avoid those sorts of headaches.

I know the feeling. I'm Irish and when people find out they all ask if I love potatoes and if I'm an alcoholic. Potatoes, yes. Alcohol? I'm 13 -_-