By Anonymous - 11/05/2015 06:59 - Canada - Maple Ridge

Today, once again, I explained that yes, I'm Russian. No, I'm not a communist. No, I don't pray to a picture of Putin riding a bear. And no, I don't have any vodka on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 304
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No vodka on you? What good is being Russian? I'm sincerely disappointed, OP.

Wizardo 33

As any well trained sleeper cell is meant to do buddy.


orsombre_fml 11

Ni vodka on you??? How disappointing... LOL

XD I'm Canadian and everyone thinks I'm lying because I'm not the nicest person they've met

Should just move to Canada then. We just ride polar bears around all day and drink maple syrup!

Oh dear... Hopefully they'll all get a brain and see beyond the stereotypes soon OP

LOL I'm half-German, I've been asked more than once if I support Nazism (I don't), so......

I'm Jewish so people always assume I'm a heavier version of Mort Goldman

The pain is real... However there should always be a bottle of vodka in the freezer... Did you not get the memo???

I understand this feeling being Russian myself

I'm from Texas and while traveling everyone always asks if I have a ranch and how many cows I have... I live in the suburbs. Gotta love stereotypes!