Get on with it!

By Anonymous - 11/02/2023 12:00

Today, I went to turn in a coding project a few days early. After months of working on a code and saving backups, everything is gone or corrupted. I have to start from square one and turn it in less than 48 hours from now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 762
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You totally deserved it. You worked for several months on a code project and all source control and backups are corrupted? Impossible

Instead of trying such an impossible task, drop out and head over to truck-driving school. There's a massive shortage of drivers these days, and careers with them fancy computers aren't for everyone.


I think that’s code for you’re screwed.

You totally deserved it. You worked for several months on a code project and all source control and backups are corrupted? Impossible

Unless they saved it on an external drive which in itself became corrupted. But, then again, that's why you never save something so important in only one place, so you're still right they only have themselves to blame. Eggs and baskets and such.

Instead of trying such an impossible task, drop out and head over to truck-driving school. There's a massive shortage of drivers these days, and careers with them fancy computers aren't for everyone.