By Investing in Toilet Seatbelts - 14/02/2015 09:46 - United States - Sparks

Today, my youngest daughter finally started using the toilet on her own. That is, until her older sister showed her the South Park episode where someone gets their intestines sucked out by flushing the toilet. Now she won't go anywhere near the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 398
You deserved it 3 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Attacksloth 33

A word of advice for people who insist on using the same three puns: Stop.


That must have SUCKED! No but really her sister seems like an ASSHOLE (sorry couldn't resist

RMLrapemylife 14

not bad but u shouldve kept it lower case

#16 - You FLUSHED AWAY your chances of getting some upvotes.

royceda510 10
xChaos 29

I'm arresting you for reusing the 'crappy situation' joke for the gazillionth time on FML. You have the right to remain silent. If you have something to say, toilet to the judge.

Dude, stop overusing these jokes. It really pisses us all off.

or "you got yourself in quite a shituation"

royceda510 10

For ***** sake I apologize. Jesus, I didn't realize you people took shitty puns seriously

Most overused pun on FML, but at least you kept it fresh with crappy instead of shitty.

Because a child that young could understand something like that

which episode was this? I don't remember it but now I wanna watch it :)

#24 it was the TSA (toilet safety administration) episode ;)

ColonelCusswords 24

What the **** clyde?! put the god damn toilet seat down you asshole!

hazukilockheart 13

Intestines getting flushed down the toilet. Because intelligence!

It's actually happened though. Who the ****'s so stupid they can't check to make sure the toilet seat is down?

Yes, because leaving the seat up means that your intestines

Yes, because leaving the seat up means that your intestines

Stupid? It is a brain thing, like when you are driving and you automatically go a certain way even though that isn't where you want to go. Happens all the time. Especially when you have to go really bad. Not stupid. Be a gentleman and put the seat down!

If you leave the toilet seat up your intestines won't come ripping out of your ass.

#63 But... If you leave the seat up your intestines aren't going to get ****** down the toilet. -_-

crazyindynathan 13

Sounds like a shitty situation to me...

Attacksloth 33

A word of advice for people who insist on using the same three puns: Stop.

Your comment is surrounded by 3 comments saying the same pun, two of them identical. I miss when comments were creative.