Well done sweetie

By Mommy - 29/09/2010 22:47 - United States

Today, my daughter watched a potty training video on Sesame Street. In the middle of the video, she got up and ran to her potty to practice. She then announced, "All done!", and proudly closed the lid to her potty. She then immediately stood on top of it and peed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 506
You deserved it 3 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Was she watching a boy potty training? Next she'll be asking where her "peanut" went. You've got a future gender bender on your hands.


fmlwinnn 0

she spoke too soon.... I accidentally touched Send for my last post >.<

what the hell? lmfao. its ok shes just learning

Today's show was brought to you by the letter !

lol @19 it's okay she's learning. soon she'll ve fully potty trained

DudeImBetter 0

what's was she done doing? hmm...

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds vile. Putting your Earth-monkey-cub through "potty training" is futile. By the time she's 80, she'll be right back in diapers. What's the point? 80 years is nothing, in the grand scheme of the universe. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

DudeImBetter 0

28 how's life? Also if anyone thinks I'm stupid I ment to say what not what's.

MrCalves 1

and the horrible parent stands there and watches the whole thing... could OP not do anything to prevent this situation?

KingDingALing 9

34- I already asked him that a couple of fmls down...hop off...

the_flirtt 0

sesame street is brainwashing kids! jk

DudeImBetter 0

83 I'm sorry. I didn't know that you take this site so seriously that you monitor other peoples comments. I didn't even know that you asked him that before, you should be proud that you were the first one to ask him.

MrsxBillxKaulitz 5

this is. a piss-poor excuse. for an fml. kidding. SHAMWOW THAT SHIT.

KingDingALing 9

95- says the guy who just replied to my comment. I didn't know that reading through the comments was considered "monitering" them. If that's so, you also are "monitering" through them.

ladybugobgyn 0

when you have a child that decides to pee, try and stop it unless there's a diaper involved. if that's the worst thing OP can do to this child, good for them.

ladybugobgyn 0

You 'ment' it? and you wonder why someone would think you're stupid?

DudeImBetter 0

that was just a typo it's hard to type right with a crappy keyboard on a phone.

50- Horrible parent? Are you serious? I'm sure the "horrible parent" can control when the kid has to pee, right? OP said "immediately" so I'm assuming the horrible parent didn't have time to get the child on the seat. Omg, it's the end of the world!!


At least she made the attempt to pee near the potty, right? She's learning. P.S. ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!

ladybugobgyn 0

you're right. i was just being a weenie. sorry. don't know what got into me. oh wait, it was jury duty!

no really a fml or ydi. you have a toddler so it happens. at least it wasn't shit. as a mom to a two yr old I'm pretty much used to stuff like that. if it bothers you maybe you shouldn't have kids

I have to go with Wow as well, YDI, for trying to let TV teach your child to use the bathroom. Next time try going with the kid and not just assume Elmo told her correctly. Maybe then you won't have piss on your floor. (potty training a child is hard enough with lots of mistakes, but really, you need to be there, not a book, cartoon or anything else, you!)

see, if you daughter would have watched the full video, she would have learned how to pee as well

KingDingALing 9

2- you submitted 68 fmls...they all got rejected. So uh, you're a fail!


84, you fail as well you've posted 40+.

the_flirtt 0

it's not a fail it's called being a regular to fml.

Meh, 84, quit trying so hard. It's either effortless or not at all. As well, since Sesame Street is the origin of the real cookie monster, it cannot fail because cookies are for champs.

Tikwichka 5

'She then she immediately stood', heh heh heh!

randomchickkk 0
Iris_River 15

There's nothing wrong with the grammar in this post.

fmlsxmakexmyxday 0

not really a fml if you ask me.

fmlsxmakexmyxday 0

all I said was it wasn't really a fml things like this happen

fmlsxmakexmyxday 0

I didn't say anything wrong >.<

sportsgirl666 0
ohthebloodygore 16

47, no. #8 said awe, also put a smiley face. If it would have been an 'Aw, that sucks' moment there would be no happy face.

Whatever, I think that'd be cute! Just as long as my wife was the one cleaning it up! Jk, nobody would ever want to marry me...

I'm glad we could agree on something, Iggy!

Schizomaniac 24

You are all wrong. Number 8 said "awwe." This obviously means that he/she was marveling in awe of the FML.

You guys are ridiculous. "awee" is obviously short for awesome.

And that is an example of the things kids do when they're very little. Yes, it's an annoying mess to clean up, but all kids make mistakes, and they will learn.

like_its_ya_bday 0

lol aww that's cute. lol tbh it is