By Anonymous - 15/12/2009 18:18 - United States

Today, I learned that my building never received my rent check. Now not only do I have to pay a $40 late fee, but also a $40 fee to stop the payment of the check that went god knows where. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 392
You deserved it 3 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reyo 2

Sounds to me like your renter just wants more money. Next time, deliver it in person.

$40 fee to cancel a check? isn't it a bit expensive? and since when do you get late rent fees? that also happens to be $40.. sounds either fake, or you live in a weird place..


Eighttg byndg idk in top ten woo! but srry bout that. if you misplaced it YDI.

Not necessarily fake. I once had a bank that charged $40 to cancel a check. And almost every place that I've rented charged late fees if you were past the tenth of the month paying rent. Some of those places actually charged a specific amount PER DAY past the tenth. And it could be coincidental that both fees are $40. I've seen stranger things happen. :P

since when do you get late rent fees? since always? my last apartment charged $40 on the first day it was late, and $10 a day after that until they received payment. i once had to pay over $100 in late fees because i thought i had paid rent and the complex didn't tell me i was late until 2 weeks later.

The fee to cancel checks vary bank to bank. Mine charges $36.

Reyo 2

Sounds to me like your renter just wants more money. Next time, deliver it in person.

Unregistered 0

like the reason the condom and the birth control failed when your parents conceived you

no, the condom broke, and the birth control is only 70% effective. The odds beat his parents.

Yea, but everyone knows that if the girl is on top that you can never get pregnant

Please tell me you're joking. And what are you two talking about?

renaet 0

I KNOW! I HATE checks now! I had an $800 check that I sent in the mail and this guy claimed that he never got it. So I flipped out and canceled the check and then he CASHED it! He accidentally "misplaced" it. I don't know if you know but sometimes canceling a check doesn't "guarantee" that they won't be able to cash it because he bounced my account AND I had to pay a fee for 1) canceling the check 2) him cashing a canceled check and 3) a overdrawn bank account. Needless to say, I'm suing his ass cause he won't pay for any of these fees. A true FML

dude, I didn't know that. I shall try that next time. haha.

$40 fee to cancel a check? isn't it a bit expensive? and since when do you get late rent fees? that also happens to be $40.. sounds either fake, or you live in a weird place..

piggle 9

Um, I'm pretty sure they do late fees everywhere.

so.... this is just like an average occurance. whoop dee doo you got charged an extra forty bucks. now your whole life sucks... not.

shaubygal 11

**** off u dirty little prick

Since whn did banks start charging $40 for cancelling checks? it's almost like overdrafting.

O noes, that's 80 whole dollars! Now you'll have to wait a few extra weeks to buy that big screen TV!! Seriously though. Maybe I'm just spoiled but, 80 dollars doesn't really sound like THAT big of a deal. It sounds like it would be pretty annoying and frustrating to do...But as long as you have a decent job and are still able to eat after having to pay it, I don't think your like is all THAT ******.

Reyo 2

$40 is 2 weeks worth of gas least it is for those of us who pay for our own gas.

yeah, you're spoiled. i would shit my pants if i had a surprise $80 bill. no, OP's life isn't ****** like it would be if they were being taken to gitmo or something, but it's still a really shitty thing to have happen, especially when OP didn't do anything to cause/deserve it.

Yup. You're spoiled. $80 is enough to fill my gas tank twice. $80 is enough to buy groceries for an entire week. $80 is enough to get a bronchitis checkup/test at my clinic, and buy the antibiotics to clear up the infection. $80 is enough to pay my cell phone bill for the month. $80 is enough to pay my electric or heating bill for the month. $80 is enough to fly me out to Missouri for my godson's first birthday. I would do almost anything for eighty dollars. To you, it may not be much. But for those of us who are middle class or lower, eighty dollars often means that we don't have to worry about what bills we can't pay and which ones we can, and how much food we can buy for our families.