By B - 04/02/2012 01:17 - United States

Today, my wife screamed at me, calling me a "useless, ungrateful piece of crap", all because I wouldn't have sex with her, despite hours of her nagging. I said no because I've been laid-up in bed for the past week waiting on surgery for an excruciatingly painful hernia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 493
You deserved it 3 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxokelsey11 5

Obviously she's trying to give you another hernia.


GoW_Chick 14

Oh sure, because domestic violence is defiantly the answer! -.-

Not only have I had hernias on both sides repaired, I repair them routinely. So I think I'm in a rather unique position of expertise when I say... MAN UP, YOU ******* PUSSY! It's just a goddamned hernia! If it hurts that much, go to your surgeon and get it fixed emergently. Otherwise, shut the **** up and service your woman, princess.

HannahWho 8

The wife should be more understanding that someone is in pain and sex is not always about her.

He said he's waiting on surgery! Maybe you're the pussy, here!

Hannah - As I said, it doesn't hurt that much. Does no one read anymore? Vbmg - thank you so much for reminding me how to read. I had temporarily forgotten. I know damn ******* well what he said, and if you'd bother to read what I said, you'd understand that. If his pain is that bad, he shouldn't be waiting. If it isn't that bad, he should stop whining like a little bitch. As I said, I had bilateral hernias, and the pain isn't bad enough to turn down sex. Are you speaking from experience or out of your ass?

Unless you are his doctor or actually know the OP personally and can vouch that he's bs'ing, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. It is totally possible the your hernia experiences and his experiences are completely different. No one knows if the OP's hernia is affecting other parts of his body or why he has to wait for surgery. Not everyone has a high tolerance of pain and for the OP, he may be in a great deal of pain. So get off of your high horse and show some empathy.

DocBastard, the man is obviously in pain and does not feel like having sex. intercourse is an act of pleasure not something to be forced by a bitch wife who puts her own needs in front of her husband's well being. she should be doing everything in her power to help him get better not whining and bitching. if the roles were reversed who's side would you take, I ask you? you're not impressing anyone by calling people pussy for being in pain. you just look like a douche, tbh

Woah people. Don't argue with Doc. He's right. Always. Just accept that and move on.

Hpaisan38 - empathy... That word... You've definitely been to med school :p

DocBastard has been to medical school. Unfortunately, he trained as a surgeon - which explains his awful bedside manner.

Wow doc, a bit harsh there? I read your blog and you're never speak like this! Tone it down a bit!

Sure you have!!! You can leap tall buildings in a single bound, and post stupidity faster than a speeding bullet.

Whoops, this wasn't meant to comment on OP, was responding to dumbass comment posted earlier

Does no one read anything anymore? I'm not just speaking from my own personal experience with my own hernias, I'm also referring to the HUNDREDS of hernia patients that I've seen and repaired. Rattus, I'll have you know my bedside manner is exemplary. However, if someone is acting like a baby, I'll be sure to tell him so. People appreciate honesty more than you realise.

Teabubbles 8

Self pity to the extremes really isnt a good thing.Sure you've gone through pain and survived that (congrats btw)! but maybe to this guy the pain is just more severe towards him. He's probably just learning how to deal with pain. :)

Petunia888 13

Hey, man, we've all got needs. She did go about it the wrong way; Who'd wanna have sex with a nagger?

That last word brought a whole south park episode into mind...

reldnahceus 8

Okay. When you get a hernia (god forbid you do since it's PAINFUL), I hope your significant other nags the hell out of you for sex that you obviously can not perform. Good day sir.

Wait until you have a hernia for yourself, then come back.

You need another wife, buddy! Who the hell treats their man like that?

KatieKayy15 0

well, sir, your wife is an ungrateful bitch! she should respect that you're not capable because of your injury. horny bitch.

That is so abusive. I feel like that situation just screams divorce, unless you fix some impossibly deep rooted issues. I would get away from that one. You want someone to care for you when you're sick and respect you at all times. And this should also be a two-way street. I think you should find someone who has those qualities.