By Anonymous - 06/07/2011 23:35 - Canada

Today, my wife actually had the balls to tell me that we can't have sex for the rest of her nine month pregnancy, because according to her, "I don't want twins." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 784
You deserved it 12 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thabb 0

Ehhh, your hand isn't THAT bad.

ADayToPierceTheV 0


You married her, ydi IMO ... get on the net or a book and explain the concept

I'm disappointed boners :( You're usually so clever but you took the easy way out with this joke.

she's dumb and she has balls? you need help my man

mbrooks5110 0

I think you're confusing balls with stupidity.

lindy91 4

what's the difference? the only smart men are gay or the ones who used to be women.

legitasaurusrex 0

HAHAHAHAHAHA is she retarded? you should go have your unborn child tested, being a retard IS genetic after all...

what an ignorant moron you are. retardation isn't a "diss", it's an actual defect that shouldn't be joked around with.

katialovesfml 0

I don't think you edited your profile picture enough.....

kyliejamess 0

she is has no idea about pregnancy

actually it's rare but a woman can be pregnant with two babies who aren't twins or even have the same due date

Ins0mau 20

Well they should just use a condom then if they're that worried about it.

i get it the first few months but at like the 9month part why would you want to?

cause some dudes find pregnant chicks hot? and plenty of pregnant women are horny with their hormones raging.