By lonesome - 28/04/2013 05:23 - Canada

Today, my whole family made an hour-long drive to a restaurant that's just a few minutes away from my place. I wasn't invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 574
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zahra_786 19

Awww I'm sorry OP. Maybe they assumed you'd be busy, or too tired or something. Should bring up the topic and ask why.


septembers_over_fml 3

Well maybe they went out to dinner and didnt realize it was so close to you, but you should ask them.

Do you order the seven course meal and then expect your family to foot the bill?

LeapingTurtles 4

well jus sit back and smoke a bowl hah

Did you do something that made them not want to take you out to dinner? Families have long memories. I knocked a dessert off the table once when I was like 5. People didn't stop making dumb jokes about it every time we ate out until I was in my mid twenties. And that only after I flipped out on them and started bringing up their stupidities. Family can be not fun.

Sometimes being without your family is a blessing , cause you don't have to listen to all the darn drama that's going on!

At least you have a trump card from this. Played at your convenience.

that is a bitchy thing they did, looks like they did that on purpose. sorry to hear that op, even though I don't know the history of you and your family.

Sounds like my family. I'm sorry. It hurts to be left out

I'll take you to lunch OP. Then we can plot your revenge.