By camp - 03/03/2009 22:14 - United States

Today, my very religious grandmother walked in on me masturbating. She's sending me to bible camp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 093
You deserved it 27 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Has anyone heard of KNOCKING anymore? My gosh, she should have at least given you some warning before just barging in on you.

What a sad life she must have led if she's never masturbated.


blondebabycakes 0

Wrong #7, don't tell me you're one of those idiots that believes we came from monkeys:)

AtoZandBeyond 0

Wrong #83, don't tell me you're one of those idiots that believes we came from dirt:)

AtoZandBeyond 0

Well read the Bible thoroughly and point out all the sins that your grammy is doing and tell her she should come with you to bible camp

FYL, but you shouldve locked the door anyway

r u retarded? ur @ ur gma's house 1 that's really religious none the less and u **********??????? god! YCDI

ROFL Nice, but they're called LOCKS.

Not sure what you can do besides go and paint the town white buddy.

Whiterabbitm1 0

have you thought of telling her you're not going?