Run, run now

By marie - 10/03/2021 16:59

Today, I discovered my husband of 3 years is cheating on me with another woman. Nice to know he has absolutely zero feelings for me at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 276
You deserved it 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It may really suck, but atleast now you know, and now you know you can make a choice; leave him, take a breather, then find some one who does care about you. Or try and make things work with him, fully knowing there's a chance he will never feel that way about you again and keep cheating on you.

divorce him . time to get back to the old but new you. listen to jhene akio ft. h.e.r bs. or self love by destiny. it will help or some loryn hill. it help get your strength back. and fix your crown on your beautiful head. if he is a cheater fu*k him... his loss... don't waste your life on someone who is a Manchild


It may really suck, but atleast now you know, and now you know you can make a choice; leave him, take a breather, then find some one who does care about you. Or try and make things work with him, fully knowing there's a chance he will never feel that way about you again and keep cheating on you.

You can take half his shit. Hopefully, that's a nice consolation prize. After only three years, I'm guessing you're young enough to give it another shot. Try to pick better this time!

divorce him . time to get back to the old but new you. listen to jhene akio ft. h.e.r bs. or self love by destiny. it will help or some loryn hill. it help get your strength back. and fix your crown on your beautiful head. if he is a cheater fu*k him... his loss... don't waste your life on someone who is a Manchild

judgeblunt 6

It took 3 years to see the signs?

judgeblunt 6

It took 3 years to see the signs?

xxlk4xx 6

took my dumb ass 5 years to see the signs and another 3 years to accept those signs! and yes, I did leave him and I am much happier! I wish I'd done it sooner

judgeblunt 6

It took 3 years to see signs?

judgeblunt 6
DoctorPALO 14

Are there children involved? If so, tell him it's time to discuss custody and child support. If not, pack his stuff and go dump it on her doorstep. Was he with someone else when he got with you? If so, YDI, because if he cheated WITH you, you ought to have enough sense to know that he'd cheat ON you, married or not.

randybryant799 20

I'm sure he has feelings for you it's just not enough. He's a cheater and always will be.