By LyraAlluse - 18/05/2014 23:35 - United States - Chandler

Today, my cat decided to hide in the garbage can so he could get a free trip outside, but was too fat to climb all of the way inside of it. He got stuck half-way in. It took me ten minutes to get him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 778
You deserved it 6 228

LyraAlluse tells us more.

He got stuck in one of those oddly shaped bathroom trashcans. And it was his tail end that got stuck, so he was sticking out of the trashcan like a jack-in-the-box. Because the can was oddly shaped it was hard to figure out how to get the cat free and make it as humane as possible. Also, the cat kept trying to roll around in the trash can because he thought it would help. My cat isn't the brightest crayon in the package but he is pretty funny.

Top comments

TabooSushi 24

... The only thing that surprised me about this is that it took that long to get him out. How did that happen? If he was only halfway in, I'd think you could just grab him and lift him out. Or gently tip over the can and dump him out.


123edud 6

First comment first time:)

I think you'll find that not a soul cares. Tough luck. Take that shit elsewhere.

badluckalex 23

I know all cats are different but the ones I have had like to be up high, especially when they are sleeping

my cat once threw himself away. i couldnt find him, go to throw something away and this face is looking at me. he also pit himself in the tall laundry basket. cats are silly and theyll try and go anywhere. but i did laugh just picturing your cat halfway in the trashcan.

Even a napkin. (Yes, singular, a napkin. Just to be on something more than the floor.)

crazytwinsmom 25

seriously? my cat will pester me until I feed her, I don't have the patience to not, so yeah she's fat. but still, she's still what her vets call "a healthy weight" so I'm fine with it.. wow I guess what I'm saying is don't blame op for the cats fat problem

I don't think this person meant to put the blame on anyone...

Op shouldn't give in and neither should you. Dumbass. Cats eat out of boredom just like people. My cat cries for food in the afternoon when her breakfast is gone and I don't give it to her. She gets two portioned meals a day and is a perfectly healthy weight.

somehow I posted a reply to the wrong comment.. I'm just getting used to it on my phone. sorry :)

oddly enough I just leave a bowl of food out all day and none of my cats are fat.

sterling1113 15

And who made you an asshole?

TabooSushi 24

You know, cats can have thyroid problems that cause them to get fat even if they're fed properly. I have a cat that has thyroid issues, and he's perfectly healthy otherwise, he's just always been a bit of a chunker. Stop being an asshole and think before you speak... Oh wait, I forgot this is the Internet, so that's impossible.

Quit being a PC pansy #37. Thyroid issues affect 10% at most. #28, my family will do that to you.

And 83% of all statistics are made up on the spot,#45. ; )

Quit using numbers to justify your stupidity, #47. Ten million cat owners in North America (example, I would think there is a lot more) would mean that one million cats suffer from thyroid problems. Surely OP couldn't possibly own one of them, given that's it's just ten freaking percent. Moron.

TabooSushi 24

... The only thing that surprised me about this is that it took that long to get him out. How did that happen? If he was only halfway in, I'd think you could just grab him and lift him out. Or gently tip over the can and dump him out.

"I wasn't gonna eat it. I was just gonna taste it." Ha ha ha! Love that episode. Especially the part when Rabbit tries to turn Pooh's butt into contemporary art. Priceless! XD

"What?" "Did we just become best friends?"

He got stuck in one of those oddly shaped bathroom trashcans. And it was his tail end that got stuck, so he was sticking out of the trashcan like a jack-in-the-box. Because the can was oddly shaped it was hard to figure out how to get the cat free and make it as humane as possible. Also, the cat kept trying to roll around in the trash can because he thought it would help. My cat isn't the brightest crayon in the package but he is pretty funny.

TabooSushi 24

Ohh I see, that makes more sense now, haha!

I think you meant to say he's not the bro test cat in the trash can

Please put the cat puns on paws. I'm not really feline up to it right now.

sexpectations 15

you've got to be kitten me right meow

Poor chubby kitty :( hope he was okay.

1. If he is that fat how did he get to the top of the trash can and 2. It shouldn't have been that hard to get him out.. either way I hope that he is ok

Just because its fat, doesn't mean it cant get onto diffrent surfaces- have you ever seen a cat before?

Even the fattest, laziest, most out-of-shape cat can perform incredible feats of agility. They are fuzzy little ninjas all.

rocker_chick23 27

I have a cat I adopted from the shelter who was over fed by his previous owner and he can squeeze into tight places still. I have to rescue him frequently from places he got stuck in