Caught red-handed

By caught - 09/01/2012 00:43 - United States

Today, I was bored and started touching myself watching TV. My mother walked into my bedroom with a phone in her hand and yelled, "Stop jacking off and talk to your grandmother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 332
You deserved it 36 288

Same thing different taste


Did she at least make you wash your hands?

Kypopz 9

The mom is so casual, like it's an everyday thing..

"Hold on mom!! I'm about to finish... Oh!!! Ok let me talk to my Grams!"

At first I thought it said stop jacking off to your grandmother....

me_gusta_eso 1

Your mom is such a "jerk off".

Idonebeenhad 17

Did your grandma ask how it went?

ForeverUnemplyed 0

Op never said he was jacking off he couldve just been playing with his balls or something :/

Target acquired. Launch sequence in 3... 2...

GovernorGeneral 8

The moms probably used to walking in on people jerking off. Lol. xD

i wouldve kept jacking off just to piss her off

GovernorGeneral 8

And i wouldve cut your dick off.

and i wouldve shoved a buck knife in your vag

ydi for not locking your door>.> ••••••

TheRealBruce 12

Oh noo! Ydi for making it so obvious

Im curious. Was he just like watching tv and then like "ohh spongebob, yesss", or what?

69- thumbed down.. Your comments always seem to annoy me ._.

I wonder if all these real*insert family guy character here* are like the same dude that just likes to **** with our heads

jaredjudd21 2

:O it's like a family reunion. 44- your a jew

ImFrackinBored 13

Was I the only one who read this in his voice?

jaredjudd21 2

124- do you realize how much that would consume your life. ( starts sobbing) its soooo difficult....

TheRealBruce 12

Oh heyy Mort it has been long let's catch up sometime and to everyone else we are not the same person:)

lolmonster34 0

Did anyone say oh nooo in a Bruce voice or was that just me

GhostDuck 30

I'm assuming very carefully.

Poser1337 5

Both of these family characters live in the same location. OMG SAME PERSON

Kypopz 9

152 - I read your description in Bruce's voice..

so how did the conversation with grandma go?

AlaskanEskimo34 0

"hang on grandma let me finish real quick....ahhhhh....okay so how was bingo yesterday?"

FMLsOhilarious 6

#80 nope, I actually found it funny

80 - it was obviously too far if it hit the phone. OH, you meant the joke. Never mind.

ForeverUnemplyed 0

Grandma: "You're growing up so fast! Just yesterday I was changing your diapers but look at you now" :,) OP: "Well grandma now you can buy me new underwear cuz I need to change mine! ;D

Torva_fml 16

121- try a washing machine. those save people from buying tons of new clothes.

JEnglish89 1

You should probably stop jacking off and talk to your grandmother...

RedPillSucks 31

Why does he have to stop? Men can multi-task too. *Hi grandma, don't mind the fapping sound. ...So, how's tricks? *

cash_monkey72 9

6 out of 7 of these comments were pointless. Mine included.

Theres a website for people like you Mel

Does no one understand the joke here besides me?

ForeverUnemplyed 0

Mel is obviously a cannibal that especially enjoys the elderly how could you have not gotten that???

And your grandmother hung up after she said that, right?

takeitandrun 13

Don't jack off when other people are at the house, or at least lock the door. Don't be rude.

cooLING 0

There also is a thing called "knocking". Have you heard of it?

drlove78843 6

I live in a big family, if I'm not gonna jack off whenever someone at home then I would never be able to it :(

KiddNYC1O 20

Just make believe you're taking a shit. Or simply do it in the shower.

56 you can always do it at night time in the washroom

icefshng8 9

Takeitandrun, is that your snake? What is it? Carpet python? I've never seen one with quite that pattern.

fgwrxfiend 11

you live IN a big family #56? how's that going?

Not everyone has locks on their doors :S