By Axlgrows - 02/12/2016 16:44

Today, a friend admitted that the reason I got the nickname Axl is because I was an A cup with XL underwear. I guess I should be called Axxl now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 454
You deserved it 1 636

Same thing different taste

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"Hi, I'd like to apply for friendship." "Sure thing! Just fill out this form asking for bra and underwear size." "Uh, okay. What will this be used for?" "Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it *looks down*, Axl."

Get a padded bra and you'll be Bxxxl. I'm sure it'll be a great nickname once people succeed at pronouncing it.


Maybe you stop sharing your underwear sizes with people.

I mean if it's with some close friends, I don't see a problem with it. OP don't feel discouraged, just means you got a lot of junk in your trunk, which lots of girls would love. You're beautiful no matter what size you are. :)

I'd certainly hope the OP doesn't have a junk in their trunk #8 considering they're female. (the icon next to OP's name or if you don't have one, the fact they wear a bra should be a clue here)

totally just noticed i said drunk and not trunk. ill show myself out.

Get a padded bra and you'll be Bxxxl. I'm sure it'll be a great nickname once people succeed at pronouncing it.

And if she loses enough weight to wear small underwear too… actually, that'd be BS.

Or she could become a doctor and be BM.

If she were to go from an XXL to an S, she'd pass M at some point too.

dubby21 19

Some friends you got there OP :/

"Hi, I'd like to apply for friendship." "Sure thing! Just fill out this form asking for bra and underwear size." "Uh, okay. What will this be used for?" "Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it *looks down*, Axl."

Bad luck with the location of your fat deposits. If it went to your boobs, they wouldn't call you names. They'd just call you.

neuronerd 28

I mean, I know it's mean of me to say, but that is rather unfortunate. I guess being DM is why I get people trying to slide into my DMs.

People always have something to say. Dont let it get to you op because Im sure youre pretty inside and out.

How the hell would you know that? Maybe she's not..

That's really not cool of your friends. Especially because they're supposed to be your friends. Don't let them get to you. There will always be people who like to talk shit around, and someone will unfortunately always have something to say. No matter the size of your boobs, or your underwear. You just can't let it get to you.