By thebeachisthatway - 22/10/2012 18:56 - United States - Worcester

Today, my son got expelled after using the photocopier to photocopy his penis. He then used the copies to replace every directional arrow posted throughout the school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 239
You deserved it 5 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

I have to say, sucks to be you...but far out that is hilarious!!

It's clever, you gotta give him that.

my question is how did they figure out it was him? did some one turn him in? I'd have liked to see the face of the person on the faculty. "I know who's penis that is." *stunned face* "Uhhh....How do you know this? and whose is it?"

kennaem1 11

I'm sorry but this is really funny