By xattackattackx - 18/11/2011 09:01 - United States

Today, the main topic for my sister and her friends in the car was how many ways they could think of to kill me. They came up with 137. I have to spend a week with these people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 902
You deserved it 2 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Did they come up with cramming a ***** in the tailpipe so that you die from carbon monoxide poisoning? If not, they're amateurs and should find something else to talk about.


You have your whole imagination to pick a comment from and "wow" is literally the best you could think of?? You even had 120 seconds to edit that wow to something much more interesting, and you couldn't even have done that.

sandungyyy 4

Well maybe that's how speechless he/she became reading OP's story. At least they reacted, geez.

I woulda replied to that with: "Bitches, i could break all your necks in 20 different ways with a spoon!"

Dont fret, they where only just 'killing' time.

USxWolfCatxUK 16

#1- very comment such impress much clever wow

perdix 29

That would be 69 twice -- an excellent way to go in its own right. Now, there's 139!

But they only need one? How many lives do u have???

Nuclear_Ninja 6

137 is one of my lucky numbers lol

bitchslapped22 14
tjv3 10

Well be proactive and kill them first

every1luvsboners 11

Did they come up with cramming a ***** in the tailpipe so that you die from carbon monoxide poisoning? If not, they're amateurs and should find something else to talk about.

GoodLookingGeese 10

What about killing him with a low quality joke, does that count too?

Torva_fml 16

10- your comment ALMOST killed me... you're good at this.

10- are you a murderer? Cause you just killed it...

I came up with drinking a glass of soda upside down and drowning in it.

evilteddybear 0

They obviously dont watch 1000 ways to die they should get a life!

Did they mention baking you into cupcakes?

DarkSaul 20

People who Thumb this Down are my little pony friendship is magic haters

perdix 29

Choose #69! If one of the ways was ******* you to death, dare them to try. Even if they succeed, you win!

perdix 29

No one. I just made that up because it seemed like fun. Of course, it never said that all of the sister's friends are girls. Sometimes, we just have to make shit up.

yadisingh 5

Lol good plan. But OP better make sure that his sister doesn't try that one out...

LegalyWhite 7

Bring your friends over then it will be fun

I don't think they ever heard if the show 1000 ways to die.....

137? That's what I come up with in 3 minutes. I mean there's so many different kind of fruits you can use!

SxeDaze 13

You'r right #9 . The first one that pops into my head is probing op's poop shoot with a pineapple.

savemycookie 0

Wow... D: FYL. On the other hand a wonderful way to shut them up: "Really I can think of one really effective way to get rid of a couple of brats...." *PUSH OUT OF THE MOVING CAR* XD "There now isn't that better" :)

No...especially if he wasn't the one driving DD: