By OfficeFatty - 30/10/2014 02:41 - United States

Today, my skinny co-worker complained that sitting just underneath the AC vent was making her too cold. My boss had us switch places, because "your mass keeps you warm anyway". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 737
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not right, your skin gets cold, resulting in your nerves being cold, resulting in that being sent to the brain, so no matter what you're going to feel cold. Your boss hates you and likes your co-worker. Sorry OP.


steam_engenius 21

I know for me, I'm cold ALL THE TIME. Never knew what it was like until I lost 180lbs. More insulation does make a difference. That was still pretty inappropriate of your boss, though.

ostfaiz 18

This is ridiculous reason, F* Your Boss!

Everyone keeps saying that body size doesn't make a difference but its really does, im not trying to offend anyone, just a bio major that's seeing a lot of false statements. Heat loss is a function of heat capacity, surface area, and temperature. Smaller people have more surface area in comparison to their volume, they lose heat more quickly. It is also a well known fact that fat is an insulator that keeps organisms warm. That's why animals in colder climates have more fat/blubber ie seals, whales, polar bears, etc.

Idk, I'm a big girl and I'm always freezing. Maybe I'm an outlier though.

Yes but even if you are big, your fat won't keep you warm if you're forced to sit under a bloody AC vent. It also doesn't make as much of a difference as you're implying, the world isn't split into 'small' people and 'fat' people, those who get cold and those who don't. I have about 20 pounds on my sister but looking at us you could barely tell, our 'surface area' isn't all that different, and I feel the cold just like anybody else. Fat keeps your core temperate from dropping when the surrounding area is cold, and when your body is used to it! If a Floridian woman who weighs 250 pounds moves to say, Washington, she'll still be cold. As a bio major you should also know that fat does not protect you from having cold air blasted at you. It's not a shield. So in this case, no, body size doesn't make a difference. OPs boss is an ass.

unless your co worker is new she should know that the office gets cold and she should be properly prepared for it.

He probably knows she's all about that bass