By thealaskanyoung - 30/10/2014 03:58 - United States - Greenwood

Today, I got sick at school. When someone called my mom for permission for me to leave, she told them she doesn't have a daughter and to never call that number again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 393
You deserved it 2 775

thealaskanyoung tells us more.

Hey, OP here. Let me get this straight: my mother is not abusive. She just has a sense of humor! The lady who called was just taken aback for a second before my mom clarified. She's just a character, in no way abusive. Y'all are ridiculous.

Top comments

clairecurses 19

maybe they called the wrong number?

Wow that's rough. Though what if they got the wrong number? I think that would explain a lot.


clairecurses 19

maybe they called the wrong number?

or maybe OP thought it was a telemarketer that's what my parents would do lol

I'm sorry I meant to put maybe OPs *PARENTS sorry guys omg :(

That is not the problem. Learn how to read.

Yeah because the lat time a telemarketer called my house they said something like "your daughter feels sick and needs you to come pick them up" and if it was a telemarketer, why would the mom reply "I don't have a daughter" and to not call that number again. Plus whenever my school called the house, it was the name of the school for a caller ID

Yeah you never know! It could be a wrong number

Wow that's rough. Though what if they got the wrong number? I think that would explain a lot.

tony1891 22

and the mother of the year award goes to....not her

Your mom doesn't love you? That's terrible!

Where does it say that? Nothing in this FML would lead me to believe that her mother didn't love her.

@8 Tuff means cool So you said cool love for her mother neglecting her child...

zahra_786 19

Wow, harsh. Although, I can't help but wonder if she did this because she felt you were making excuses to avoid school, and have done the same thing multiple times before? If not, my apologies lol.

SnowKitten 14

You could perhaps try your father or other relative / friend's number? If not, sorry, that really sucks. :(

You can try and call your dad. Sorry OP. Feel better!

bsmallz3 12
d123454321b 14

Well then FYL. Maybe they hit a wrong number when dialing or just had the wrong number to start. I hope they at least let you sit in the nurses office for the rest of the day!

I don't know the reason why she answered like that but in any case she has a big serious problem. Really sorry for you OP.