By Anonymous - 16/11/2009 18:14 - Canada

Today, my sister was playing a rock star in a play. When she got home, she told me she used one of my old guitars, because I told her it was ok. I said she could take one to practice on, not destroy on stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 154
You deserved it 4 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope your parents can talk some sense into her though i hold little hope for that. Seriously, does she have no respect for others property? Since when did "You can borrow it" become "Do whatever you want with it?". Maybe I'm old fashioned (yet I'm only 20) but to me "You can borrow it" means "You can use it but please be carefull with it".

sjp092 0

Tell her you want to teach her how to do it properly and use her head. =D


Hope your parents can talk some sense into her though i hold little hope for that. Seriously, does she have no respect for others property? Since when did "You can borrow it" become "Do whatever you want with it?". Maybe I'm old fashioned (yet I'm only 20) but to me "You can borrow it" means "You can use it but please be carefull with it".

The hell? I'd the first post, aspost 4 shows I posted. My post was ":I hope your parents talk some sense into her though I hold little hope for it. Maybe I'm old fashioned (yet I'm only 20) but to me "You can borrow it" means You can borrow it but be carefull with it", not "You can do whatever you want with it" Not a retarded "Firrrrrrrrst" post, wth happened?

LeoCor 19

How is it old fashioned to be respectful?

sjp092 0

Tell her you want to teach her how to do it properly and use her head. =D

Agreed with Gwyndion I hate people who think they can do whatever they want with stuff that doesn't belong to them Edit: Fourth xD

whatthefuckcunt 0

I wish there was a button you could press to agree with him..

Erindub 0

Break her face!!! Just kidding. Well lesson more borrowing your stuff for her.

im so glad i dont have a sister to deal with shit like that :) FYL

xgravity18x 0

sorry that sucks. maybe make her pay for a new one or break something valuable of hers. FYL indeed

9 In this case, and eye for an eye makes everyone broke

slim_g17 0

There are way too many of these FML's... I have no idea what parents are teaching their children, but one of the biggest lessons I learned when I was little was you break it you buy it. No matter how expensive it was or how young you were or if it was an accident. Take some responsibility for your actions and be respectful of others.... how hard can it be?!?

bluntman20032 0

Its obviously not too bad if you have more than one guitar.

xxCFHxx 0

No dude, I have 4 guitars (all Deans), and they're more sentimental items than anything. Each holds a special meaning to me, they're almost like a timeline of my life. Just because it's 'old' doesn't mean it's not important. Besides, have you seen how expensive guitars are? I had to drop a couple grand on a DBD Razorback a few years back, and yeah, guitars aren't cheap. OP's parents should make her pay him back somehow, or otherwise replace it because that's just complete bullshit. I don't care how old she is, no one has respect for anything now, and it's the parents fault.

cs2sasuke741 0

Dude, that sucks. Beat the **** >:)

SturmFireforge 0

Deans are terrible and you should feel terrible for having them.

Oh, lemme guess #23, Gibson is t3h b357 etc etc, right? Doesn't matter that they haven't made anything decently sounding in the last 20 years... Well ok, they have, but for the price of 2 same-sounding Jacksons / Deans / you name it. Plus, every instrument has it's applications, and the only thing sounding more metal than a Razor is almost any Schecter. As for the OP -- she breaks your instrument, you break her. That's just the way it goes. Besides, lesson learnt. I myself am a bassist & if anyone would want any of my basses, they'd have to rip it from my dead hands, no ******' way I'd give any of my ladies to someone voluntarily...

#18 - you HAD to drop a couple grand on a guitar? Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I can't think of any scenario where you'd be forced to buy an instrument. And OP - if your sister had to tell you it was your guitar, does that mean you didn't recognize it? Just how much did it really mean to you?

mirage24_fml 0

Oh that is so wrong. You think these cost nickles? "You have others." What are you, a Democrat? or 12 years old? I have guitars that cost over $5,000 each. That is not unusual. I guess because I have 3 of them, you can smash one. I have others. Reality: Even the cheap guitars should be handled carefully. This little sister has to pay for it. John Hiatt was right.

alex_vik 0

#11 - You obviously don't play guitar. #24 - No, he's right, Dean sucks. I've never played one, but ever since they've used Dimebag's name just to market all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with him, I'd never buy one. Plus, their headstock is just awful. And there's more than just Dean and Gibson, for all you know, #23 might be a Fender or Ibanez guy. #29 - I think he meant the term "had" as in "I had to pay $2000 for a guitar because that is how much it was being sold for".

boatkicker 4

This has nothing to do with politics and being a democrat has nothing to do with respecting instruments. I'm a democrat and think that 11 was out of line. It totally sucks that OP had one of their guitars smashed. The way I see it, #11 either has no idea what they're talking about, is one of those people who whines because they dont like the FML, or is just a troll. Regardless, its not related to politics. OP: It wont quite be the same, of course, but have your sister buy you a new one. Or take the money and do something else. FYL. :(

#21 and #36 Deans don't suck. I own one myself. And from what #36 is saying, he's making a conclusion based solely on aesthetics and how they market their product. At least play one before you can come up with an opinion. Like #24 said, each guitar has it's own applications. Deans are pretty much metal guitars.

#36 - he didn't have to buy the guitar, though. If you're taking lessons, you can usually borrow one from the school/instructor. If he just wanted a guitar, well, wanting to buy it and having to buy it are completely different.

I have two Deans, a 1980 Cadillac and a White Gold V. My opinion? The Caddy's not bad but the neck on the V (and most modern Deans) is uncomfortable. I'll stick with Gibsons in future, although Fender Jaguars/Jazzmasters/Mustangs are shit hot.

deans aren't bad butyou didn't have to go and rip on gibsons sheesh

Skull_300 0

Time to play drums on her ******* Head!!!