Ed Shitren

By tommy - 20/12/2011 22:41 - United States

Today, after spending months learning how to play the guitar and memorizing the music to my girlfriend's all-time favorite song, I performed it for her. Her response? "Well, you kind of ruined that song for me now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 019
You deserved it 5 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mariyaaa 0

People here on formal seriously have really sucky boyfriends/girlfriends... Come on people, you all deserve better!!


Maybe it was a joke? :/ I would find that adorable

No she's just a bitch. Only a cold hearted dreg would crush someone they loved like that.

slushpup9696 12

50 - We get it. You have an impressive vocabulary.

If my boyfriend did that for me, I would be in tears from my pure happiness, and once he was done, the guitar out of the way, I would proceed to talk him to the ground and kiss him like I'm going to be dead in the morning. OP your sweet, but your 'girlfriend' is a bitch.

Reyo 2

For some reason, I can't see the truth in your story. A homeless man tackling you to the ground and saying "You ruined my favorite song for me!" would be more a strange inconvenience than anything soul shattering.

50- wouldn't that make this homeless man cold-hearted?

Aww how sad... I guess we all know who wont be getting a recording deal in the near future

builditbetter09 3
builditbetter09 3

You didn't say you wanted direct singing, dick in to mouth!

builditbetter09 3
builditbetter09 3

Don't tell me how to live mine.

builditbetter09 3

I got 99 problems n a bitch ain't one :)

builditbetter09 3

Spamming your comments now huh?

xSonic 9

I used to follow this argument Then I took HUGE dump

Kefka91 15

52- Why not follow this argument WHILE taking a huge dump? There's an app for that.

I used to follow this argument, then I took an arrow to the knee.

I used to try to understand this comment. But then I took an arrow to the knee.

rach2010 0

49- You're that friend that no one likes.

rach2010 0

49- You're that friend that no one likes.

builditbetter09 3

Then I wouldn't be a friend idiot.

rach2010 0

Yes he is still here. And annoying everyone.

rach2010 0

Yes he is still here. And annoying everyone.

even if it did suck, the least she could do is be thankful and not put you down for doing something nice. :(

mariyaaa 0

People here on formal seriously have really sucky boyfriends/girlfriends... Come on people, you all deserve better!!

I hate it when people say "you deserve better!" Why? Because YOU don't know. You don't know the OP, so you cannot say that. Simple. Sorry to sound mean but really you can never be sure (however in this fml's case they sound like they deserve better).

I agree. Op could be a murderer for all we know.

Krista835 5

Some people have to have bad boyfriends/girlfriends otherwise we wouldn't have FMLs about relationships, no fun in that. :P

That would be funny if someone just went out with a bad boy/girl to make fmls about them. I would totally do that

From what we know from this FML, op is a good boyfriend.

Awe. Well if a guy played my favourite song for me I would be so happy, no matter what it sounded like.

n_epic_fail 14

Ungrateful bitches... But hey, now u can play the guitar.

p3mguin 7

Are you a pedophile ostrich? How many ungrateful bitches have you met lolololololol your GFs a bitch anyway

uprising_fml 0

I don't understand how people can be so insensitive . if my boyfriend did that, whether it was good or not, I would be thrilled because of the effort and thought put into it .

Yeah that's the difference between a normal girlfriend/boyfriend and OP's dickward girlfriend

So since you now know how to play the guitar, which is awesome. You should write her a song about appreciating things? :p

Or he should never play music for her or waste his time writing a song for her because she is ungrateful. Yep, I'm going with that one...

Or he could write a song about how much of a bitch she is

Lesson of the day: learn her second favorite song.