By Anonymous - 16/11/2009 20:10 - United States

Today, my husband and I put our 9 month old twins to bed and went outside to enjoy a very rare few minutes with each other, a couple of beers, with a baby monitor. He shut the sliding glass door, and I watched the bar that locks it accidentally slide into locked position. All the other doors were locked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 788
You deserved it 8 364

pollychrome tells us more.

pollychrome 0

The rest of the story: I had my cellphone on me (I always do). I called a friend who lived close by who keeps a set of keys for us. She drove over while we sat in the garage (the car trunk was unlocked and I crawled through to get to the inside of the car, and I could get access to the garage door opener, but my husband had locked the inner door to the house - which is why I tried the garage door in the first place) waiting and listening to the monitor. I had grabbed a beer for solidarity, but wasn't really drinking it. I honestly don't like to drink very much since having the kids (obviously didn't drink while pregnant, either), but my husband is awesome and deserved some time off. So I grabbed beers for both of us so he would have one. Usually he just finishes my beer or it ends up getting poured out. The friend got there rather quickly (about 15 minutes) while my husband sat, drank his beer and wondered aloud which of his power tools he would use to cut through the garage wall into the house if the kids started crying (they never woke up). We got in, we laughed. I carry my keys in my pocket at all times now, and my husband doesn't think I'm weird for always having my cellphone on me anymore. It wasn't a crisis, but it sure did freak us out. We're pretty attentive parents, and these are the only kids we're ever going to have (I got my tubes tied after delivery - we figured that two kids would be one for each of us, 0 growth population and really all the kids we could ever take care of anyway), so sometimes the whole first parent thing can make one kind of dumb. Sleep is in short supply, but the kids are worth it.

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

My son thought he'd be cute and lock the car doors from the inside while I was pumping gas. Which would have been OK but I had set the keys on the dash. I was hysterical, I mean, it was July, and hot as hell. By the time the cops got there and let him out I was sure he was going to die from heat exposure. (He didn't, but I know how you feel.)

fieldhockyluva24 4

just cause it's happened or will happen to someone else doesn't mean it's not an FML


Erindub 0
blink182rocks 0
dnicho10 0

They weren't locked in a bar, they were locked out of the house because the bar on the sliding glass door fell into a locking position. So having spare keys inside wouldn't really help, would it? And do you take your house key with you every time you step out on your patio? Give me a break, and next time read the post before you comment on it.

#82: you're so daft, did you not read that they had a baby monitor to watch their babies, just in case they needed help. taking care of a baby, let alone twins, is difficult and finding time to relax is hard. and just because your parents or you get tipsy after a beer or two doesn't mean they do. -_-"

I hope not. That would suck having to replace the doors. I hope they just waited for a locksmith or something.

Too bad about the doors but god bless your twins! ???

In sorry there wasn't supposed to be question marka

wow, that sucks :( hopefully they were sleeping peacefully while u tried to break into ur own house

You must of got in, because you wouldn't be typing this out?

Nahhh, being the careful parents they are, they are using an iPhone app. I hope they got in just fine, without having to break anything.

how is this a FML, you're not the first and wont be the last person this has happened to, infact I'm pretty sure at one stage or another most parents of young children have found themselves in similar position :S

fieldhockyluva24 4

just cause it's happened or will happen to someone else doesn't mean it's not an FML

boatkicker 4

Windows? Been there done that, and have learned to always leave a bathroom window unlocked.

princessjane 0

i think yall are silly as hell for leaving your windows open and garages unlocked. that's how people break in. durrr. and 57...why do you assume they live in a trailer?

boatkicker 4

There's no crime in the area where I'm from (Dennis, MA). I lived there for 15 years and only ever had one thing stolen that was left unattended on a beach. And a five lb bag of potatoes once.... whoever broke in and took those didn't take anything else. It was weird as hell. Of course, if you looked it up now you'd find out that a guy was shot a few days ago. The ONLY time I've ever heard of any sort of gun violence in the area in all my time there, and the guy was fine, and the shooter has been arrested. Currently, however, I'm in college 800 miles away. And in the few months I've been here I've hear of rapes, shootings, and a whole bunch of other slightly less dramatic stuff.

@ 5 It's called a locksmith. Her husband prabably walked to a gas station got cash from the ATM and used a pay phone.

It is in a sense because of the sense of panic a new mother must have at the idea of locking in their child. It's kind of like that "Modern Family" episode. Where the gay couple locks their baby into their car. They freak out, they call themselves bad parents, the big comical one is shown in one shot with a garbage can ready to break the window, while the calm, rational one calls onstar and has the car opened. So even though there was a quick, easy, simple way to relieve the situation (and of course its a bit exaggerated cause its TV), I'm sure it mirrors reality in that situation to an extent. New parent. Locks baby(-ies) inside somewhere. You have a panic attack and then calm down and resolve the situation. The panic alone is worth an FML (and i'm guessing the guilt)

do you live in an apartment? then yes your life is effed

alwaysalady 0

My son thought he'd be cute and lock the car doors from the inside while I was pumping gas. Which would have been OK but I had set the keys on the dash. I was hysterical, I mean, it was July, and hot as hell. By the time the cops got there and let him out I was sure he was going to die from heat exposure. (He didn't, but I know how you feel.)

Couldn't he just unlock them himself? Or is he too young to understand and had locked them by accident?

Sorry, Tarynkd. This was directed at alwaysalady.

Is alwaysalady's name meant to read "Always A Lady", or "Al, way salady"? I've got this vision of a salad like woman named Alison or something trying to get into a locked car with her salad fingers.

That is an amazing mental image. Thanks for that.

Or perhaps it is incorrect spelling Al ways a lady (Al weighs a lady), a man called Al who prefers the larger femme ...

WOW cant believe the way that is being broken down