
By Anonymous - 14/09/2020 20:01

Today, aside from clearing out my bank accounts and having an affair, the kicker was finding out my fiancé planned on taking himself and his mistress to Cancun for his birthday, while I would be attending the Marine Corps boot camp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 658
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well first call the bank and let them know he didn't have permission, than call the police and report it

Poor bastard! He was stupid to **** over someone who, in a few short weeks, is going to be a trained killing machine! Hoo-hah!


Well first call the bank and let them know he didn't have permission, than call the police and report it

Poor bastard! He was stupid to **** over someone who, in a few short weeks, is going to be a trained killing machine! Hoo-hah!

coius 23

Sadly, if he had any full permissions to use a shared account, what he did was legal (I did this myself to me and my ex-wifes account when I found out she was cheating on me while she was at work). The kicker I did was pull all the money right after her job deposited her income check digitally, screwing her by withdrawing all $3300 of the account and shutting it down. Interesting talk I had with the bank manager while he tried to find out if what I was doing was illegal or against bank rules. My Ex wasn’t very smart. I walked away with EVERYTHING in the divorce. All property, money, cars, etc. held a party with friends and burned all her clothes in a bonfire (yup, took that too! I had bought all the Victoria Secret underwear with MY credit card, so technically, it was mine to do with as I pleased). Sorry this happened, but may I suggest making his life a living hell by suing his ass?

🤣🤣😂 Normally I'm not for revenge but when somebody screws you over you have absolute right to do it right back and you did it with style LMFAO

it's always better to break things off before an extended absence. none of my battle buddies were able to make a long distance relationship work. I just leads to hurt feelings because someone always cheats. it's hard to resist when you're lonely, especially if you're worried the other is probably cheating anyway