
By dusty bean - 18/11/2017 05:00

Today, I held in an explosive fart during a co-worker's rant and waited a few seconds after he left the room to release the Kraken. Forgetting something, he returned mid-fart. Before either of us could say anything, our boss came into the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 713
You deserved it 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sumocj 14

Man did you hear that asshole talking shit?!

Look at the boss, point at your co-worker and shout, “He did it!”


Look at the boss, point at your co-worker and shout, “He did it!”

sumocj 14

Man did you hear that asshole talking shit?!

Lobby_Bee 17

Sharing means caring. You have a heart of gold.

"Release the Kraken!" is a rather creative way to express letting one rip.

manb91uk 22

It’s OK, unless he’s a member of a really disgusting family, he won’t know it was you..

YDI, don't you know that only Liam Neeson has the authority to release the Kraken?