Helping hand

By Anonymous - 29/07/2020 05:01

Today, my granny has been constipated for the past two days. She is too weak to get out of bed, so I ended up trying to dig the poop out of her butthole with a spoon. Yay me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 770
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What in the ever living **** did I just read?

I feel like that’s elderly abuse... have you ever heard of laxatives. A spoon? How does that even work. That sounds painful.


What in the ever living **** did I just read?

you had to want to do that, for whatever perverted reason. even kids know that laxatives assist those that are constipated..... so, did you film yourself doing this?

I feel like that’s elderly abuse... have you ever heard of laxatives. A spoon? How does that even work. That sounds painful.

You may have just confessed to a crime. Even if she asked you to do so, she might be too demented to be considered of sound mind. Whether you go to prison or keep scooping her ass, it sounds like a... ...wait on it... ...shitty situation.

oneonta 8

if it is that bad, s.u.p.p.o.s.i.t.o.r.y.

Metamucil. Apple juice. Prune juice. Laxatives. Iffy chicken. Hell even sugar free gummy bears are all better alternatives. Ya perv.

kt1973 3

Iffy chicken... lol. Good one.

Q: With friends like that, who needs enemas? A: Granny

I thought this was a monitored page. Why did I have to read what I just read?

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

my story wasn't okay, but THIS is?

Ambrily 27

Now I wanna know what your story was, to be considered worse than this one.

rotflqtms_ 21