By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 02:55 - Canada

Today, my siblings came home for the weekend. At dinner, my dad started complaining at how one of my siblings had gotten fired, one was failing college, and the other was gay. He went on to say I was 17 and already had a bright future. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 926
You deserved it 61 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so then all his kids were epic fails? minus the gay one sinceIi'm not homophobic at all.


I also made an account just so I could tell most of you to stfu. Who cares if she spelled college wrong? It doesn't mean she doesn't have a bright future! Why are most of you such ASSHOLES?! And as for all of you calling her an idiot for getting pregnant, back off! She obviously already feels bad enough about it and if she didn't use contraception already knows she made a mistake, so back the **** off, she doesn't need you to make her feel even shittier. And as for abortion, I'm against it, but people should be allowed to believe whatever they want to believe. I'm also very for gay rights (as I am bi) but I have nothing against people who believe that being gay is wrong. It is when people start to use derogatory language and to lash out against other people's beliefs that problems arise. Can't everyone just live and let live for once?!

shame on your father but at the same time i doubt you're completely ready to be a parent. 17 is young you aren't even out of high school yet and your future is already tied to a kid your father never should have said any of that especially to his own kid and being gay does not make you a failure. what a jerk

Just because she happened to misspell one word or because she's pregnant, doesn't mean she can't have a bright future. Lay off, people, god. Typos happen. I've met a lot of people who can't spell for shit, and most of them are a lot older than seventeen. And I'd wager to say that if her father thinks that one of her siblings future is destroyed because he or she is gay, then it's safe to guess that her father would think her future is destroyed because she's pregnant.

#76 I never claimed "Is" and "could very well be" are the same thing - one is absolute and the other is you're still the idiot. "could very well be" is another example of REGIONAL DIALECT, which in your ignorance you fail to recognize as a very legitimate part of the ENGLISH language. where are you from, anyways? #89 thank you for pointing out the irony...

Have the child and give it up for adoption.

alex_vik 0

Wow, your parents have the shittiest luck there is.

alex_vik 0

Collage classes are hard, no wonder he's failing. He should try something easier like painting or sculpting.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#76 & #82: I AGREE I AGREE I AGREEEEE! Abortion is NOT murder. You can only kill a living thing, the baby is not living. The baby would not survive without the mother, so if the mother were to die the baby would too. Its not something it can survive on its on without the mother, It has to be fully developed & BIRTHED! And yeah I wanna see your dad's face when you announce your pregnancy. Im also the one with the bright future, even though Im failing math and could flunk! And all those assholes who have a problem with her being SEVENTEEN. Okay think about this: Shes almost out of high school, almost 18, she could be A LOT younger, I know of people who are 13 and 14 year's old pregnant. Many things can happen to get someone pregnant, and you know it could be poor planning on the parent's end. Especially if all she has is a father, if you're a guy and you have a daughter do you really wanna talk about sex with her? You just wanna say: Dont have sex. And that be the end. I hope things get better.