By Tooloud - 24/03/2013 23:21 - Canada

Today, my roommates decided to hold an intervention. They told me I would have to break up with my boyfriend because they don't want people having sex in our apartment during college exams. My boyfriend agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 096
You deserved it 5 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they would like you more if you shared your popcorn xD

Worry about your exams, you don't need assholes like him anyway.


At least you won't have a scumbag to deal with anymore!

Mister_Triangle 21

Why is he a scumbag for agreeing to not disturb OP's roommates while they have finals?

Because he'd rather break up than not have sex for a week or two. Shows what he values in that relationship.

Mister_Triangle 21

You're assuming he was serious and the breakup is permanent.

I don't think the FML would have been written if he was joking.

Why would her friends resort to asking her to break up with him anyway? A simple "stop having sex until after exams" or "if you're gonna have sex, do it elsewhere" would've sufficed. But your boyfriend's a dick, better off without him.

RedPillSucks 31

Exactly. I vote YDI for this because OP accepted this as the only options.

Sounds like a set up! Interventions are usually planned before the actual confrontation... If OP's bf was so easy going on breaking up over something like that, when really you should just make the decision not to sleep around during exams.. Than it looks like he knew as well.. I'd be happy with the breakup, in that case.

Yeah, you're right. These things are planned before hand. Perhaps he wanted to break up with her and didn't know how and had her friends use that as an excuse? Which is a dick move on all their parts, but yeah.

Maybe they would like you more if you shared your popcorn xD

If he agreed to that, you're better off without him, Op. :p

Worry about your exams, you don't need assholes like him anyway.

just tell them he's helping you "cram" for your finals. Lol.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Well in your roommates defense, having to listen to loud sex noises can be very distracting especially during exams!

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah. I hate it when people are having sex while I'm taking an exam. Seriously, people can study in the library (ok. some people have sex there too, but at least they're quiet).

#35 You should try sex at the library sometime its awesome. And you get free Kamasutra for referance ;-)

RpiesSPIES 27

Is your boyfriend going to college with you? If so, I don't think it's a dick move. It's more like he's trying for both of you to focus hard and pass the exams :) Don't take it too hard.

RpiesSPIES 27

Oh crap, I misread and thought it meant to hold off because of/during the exam period... I regret... /resistlameexcuses

Looks like she won't be taking it too hard. :P

If he's that willing to pick up and leave, then let him! If he's not willing to work through things why should you be.

Mister_Triangle 21

Why does everyone assume it was a serious and/or permanent breakup?

18- It's not much of an FML if it was only for the exam periods...

Thestem 6

your roommates are jealous they aren't gettin laid during exam time, everyone needs a stress reliever & study buddy for breaks

Maybe the boyfriend only want what's best got you: No distractions during exams. But maybe I'm wrong.

Yes, because getting dumped does not distract at all... /sarcasm