By outofluckatcollege - 27/08/2016 07:33 - United States - Lewisville

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't stuck rooming together for the rest of a semester that hasn't even started yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 905
You deserved it 1 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you can find someone who can switch rooms with you. Perhaps one of her friends?

TheNoNameGuy 20

Good luck op. just hopefully you both can act mature and civil in this situation.


At least you can sell rights to your story to a TV channel - should be a perfectly mediocre sitcom!

TheNoNameGuy 20

Good luck op. just hopefully you both can act mature and civil in this situation.

Maybe you can find someone who can switch rooms with you. Perhaps one of her friends?

I'm just saying....I'd have atleast 4 different chick's there during the semester....just to make sure she really moved on.

That's highly immature and if that relationship involved intense feelings, the last thing on OP's mind is having other girls around.

Because if there's one thing better than having to room with an ex, it's having to room with an ex who is pissed at you.

Requesting a room change is definitely an option!

What dorm allows guys & girls to room together?

It's possible that OP is also a girl.

I work at a university and we do allow guys and girls to room together - as they are both consenting adults, it shouldn't be a problem.

Gender neutral and mixed-gender college housing is becoming more readily available in many places. Partly for safety and comfort of people who are transgender, intersex, and/or express their gender in less common ways. The other part is for people like OP and his now-ex who want to live together, or people with opposite gender friends that they would prefer being roommates with over a stranger. There's fairly common lists of colleges that have them on the internet.

This could Mend it...but I don't think it will...think of her as a roommate now...

Omg. The same thing happened to me. My bf broke up with me and we can't break the lease which ends in January. We are both stuck here until then. (And our landlord won't let us swap in new tenants)

In California, if a tenant needs to break a lease, the landlord must make a good faith attempt to re-rent the property in a timely manner in order to minimize cost to the leasee. In other words, you can always break a lease, legally. Check your local laws, and if you can find a suitable renter to take over the lease, present the option to your landlord.

Oh dear heavens this is why you should never live with a person you're dating in a dorm situation (particularly if you're a new couple). Breaking up and being trapped is not a good situation to be in.

what if you can't switch roommates? and then she starts to hook up with other dudes.....that'll suck quite a bit.