By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 04:21 - United States

Today, I just found out that my current boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend are rooming together at college. Visits are going to be extremely awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 508
You deserved it 6 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL, small world, huh? You may run into other exes who live on the same floor as them. :) Just think, if your boyfriend pisses you off, you could cheat on him with your ex without having to leave the room.

i was with my girlfriend at disneyland, and i bumped into an ex gf of mine who i hadnt seen in a few years. it really is a small world after all.


LOL, small world, huh? You may run into other exes who live on the same floor as them. :) Just think, if your boyfriend pisses you off, you could cheat on him with your ex without having to leave the room.

Suffertree 0

Probably isn't a coincidence. OP, YDI. If you're such a **** that you have to date SO many people that they end up roommates, you're a *****. G'day.

On one hand, I'd have to agree, because my sister was rather promiscuous in high school, and I remember talking to her one night about a situation similar to this. She'd gone to a party and out of the five other people in the car on the way to the party, she'd slept with four of them. The fifth one was a female friend. I remember asking "Awkward car ride, huh?" On the other hand, coincidences do happen. I randomly ran into my ex a few months ago at a grocery store. He's my ex from back home. I now live over 500 miles away, and the grocery store was here. I was completely shocked to see him.

budtian 0

wow idk that toootally sucks haha, good luck w/ that

I dont know, sum crazy stuff has happened to me that was coincidence. but they were also life and death ones... they were scary... kinda like, if they hadnt have been there then sumthin else would have happened etc.

It actually makes a lot of sense if the college does it based on matching compatibility. Even if you only date a couple people (read: two or three), there's a chance that there will be similarities in what they're like (because people tend to like the same thing repeatedly) and if they're similar, that'd raise the chances of them getting placed together for rooming in college.

ElliexMarie 0

HA . Small world , hun , small world . When you visit , just tell your ex to leave the room , :) But seriously ; I agree w/ #12 . You've obviously dated like , 78 diff people if they ended up as room mates . **** (:

First.... it's rather childish to cheat on someone for revenge.... it just makes more problems in the long run. Second.... it's not that far fetched for this to happen randomly. I will be living next door to my ex boyfriend (the only ex I have, fyi) this year, and possibly many years after since he and I have no problem with each other and I like the roommate I was paired with, but my current boyfriend lives in another dorm a good walk away. I don't know precisely how we ended up next door, but he and I have similar financial situations and the dorm we're living in is the cheapest dorm available. My current boyfriend is a little better off financially and lives in the on-campus apartments.

Sadae 0

I don't think you should ASSume that she's done that. Her exes probably went to the same school as her & started going to the same college. So it's not polite to call somebody you don't know a **** just cause of a couple of sentences she says.

silkee_shiny 0

well at least they wont fight each other.........

hahaha good luck with that fyl. I hate awkward moments with exes

i was with my girlfriend at disneyland, and i bumped into an ex gf of mine who i hadnt seen in a few years. it really is a small world after all.

I think I would rent a cheap motel in the neighbourhood... :-P

break up with your bf and then they can start a club

rabidbacon 0

They're wiener cousins now! They must abide by the code!

My ex-girlfriend and my current girlfriend used to live together. I'm not gonna lie, it was a little awkward. but she couldn't complain since she was the one that dumped me. The bad part was that my ex was all supportive to my face, but behind my back she told lies to people how horrible my current girlfriend was.

I wonder if I'm the only one who read 11's comment and heard Team Fortress 2's Meet the Team beginning and ending jingle. What am I talking about? DUN, DUN, DUNNAAAAAAH! DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUNDUNDUNDUNDUN!

Are they actually really good friends? If they are, you probably deserve it. If not, FYL. And, do you really need to be visiting your boyfriend in his dorm a lot anyway? I mean, you could always go out... Simple solution?

simplyfucked 0

they are talking about the banging sessions man... get with the program...

These fellows have it right, it's all about the sex yo. But my suggestion is threesome.

I agree. I'm curious as to what the relationship between your current and ex is; if they were close friends who wanted to room together, then you totally jumped ship in a bad way and YDI. If it was just pure coincidence then FYL indeed.