By UnhappyLips - 16/12/2016 09:43

Today, the lip balms I ordered online finally arrived in the mail. After trying one out, my lips had an allergic reaction. It's a 4-pack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 847
You deserved it 1 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put the extra three in someone's stocking as a stocking stuffer or just give them to friends or family. I can't imagine you paid an incredible amount of money for this

That kid will always remember this & tell everyone about "the best day of my life" I mean, yea, it sucks for you ... but you made his day.


Next time, look at the ingredient list before ordering anything online.

mariri9206 32

It may not help. Like it's entirely possible OP never had a problem with any of the ingredients before and it only became a problem when she tried the lip balm. It can happen - I never had an issue with cantalope but then, one day, it made my mouth and lips itch and presto chango! I'm allergic to it.

put the extra three in someone's stocking as a stocking stuffer or just give them to friends or family. I can't imagine you paid an incredible amount of money for this

If it wasn't 50$ lip balm (which I doubt it was) and the reaction was due to your allergies and not some bad product, I'm pretty sure you can just give away the 3 unopened ones to friends etc. That way it's not a complete waste of money.

mariri9206 32

OP, you should try contacting the supplier/company. They might be willing to refund you, given the circumstances. And they might want to be aware of allergic reactions and appreciate the knowledge of it. Just remember to be nice - they'll def be more than willing to work with you on this, then!

It's Christmas in 3 days... is there someone you had trouble finding a gift for? ^^

Goblin182 26

Use them as stocking stuffers for various people this Christmas!

The good news is that you're stuck with these toxic chapsticks just before the Festival of Regifting.