By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 03:48 - United States

Today, my roommate, who has bipolar disorder and refuses to take his meds, tried to stab me with a kitchen knife because I threw out his moldy cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 182
You deserved it 5 527

Same thing different taste


That would be terrifying, but I understand the reasons why some bipolar people go off their meds. They miss being "manic", when they don't have a care in the world, but still do very risky and dangerous things, and I've read that they don't feel as creative while medicated. The possible side effects of lithium alone terrify me. You get a bunch of information that the doctor never tells you from the pharmacy and half of it is written in capital letters. You have to get your blood tested regularly to make sure it's not screwing up your system, and there are everyday foods and beverages you're not supposed to take with it. It's put in batteries, for cripes sake! O_O

ohhaiithere 5

He would be manic and is probably suffering psychosis :/ trust me my mother has it

Too bad pharmaceuticals are such a huge, money making industry. The way you people think of this mental disorder and how it should be "treated" is disgusting. I hate seeing so much suppression and ignorance, but i also see this as a major career field for me so continue your medication.

89, really curious what your alternative approach is..

TheyCallMeDamien 17

you need to either gtfo before you get hurt or call the cops on that nutsack

'Just tell him to take his meds it's irresponsible.' Some people are too proud, or find that it doesn't work. Bipolar medication also has a ton of awful side affects, like depression. It's not childish.

Wtf man he was ageing thts cheese u can't do tht shit man