By Uneducated - 26/01/2019 20:00

Today, my dad informed me that I’d not be progressing into next year’s class because it’s a waste of money. But it’s fine because my twin will be learning for the both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 651
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

Are you guys identical? If so, you could split the classes 50/50 or something? Sucks that your dad is a bit of a knob by the way... Is there anything you can actually do? Part time work/study or financial aid?

Twin genetics doesn’t mean twin talent. Your dad said it a mean way, but he was probably suggesting you pursue other opportunities.


manb91uk 22

Are you guys identical? If so, you could split the classes 50/50 or something? Sucks that your dad is a bit of a knob by the way... Is there anything you can actually do? Part time work/study or financial aid?

Twin genetics doesn’t mean twin talent. Your dad said it a mean way, but he was probably suggesting you pursue other opportunities.

There are other ways to pay for classes besides parents. Look into your options. It sucks that you have to do that and your twin doesn’t, but if you want something, you have to work for it.

look at all these comments. snowflakes expecting parents to pay. i paid my own way. so have thousands of others. shame on you and everyone saying how much of an ass your dad is. you dont know his financial position, nor how difficult it must have been for him to make this decision. entitled brats

zeffra13 31

2 out of the 4 comments suggested OP find a way to pay on their own, the 4th comment didn't specify, & the 2nd only said maybe OP isn't as school smart as their twin & should drop out, so what are you talking about? They're saying OP's dad is an ass for playing favoritism between his kids, not because he should pay.

SaintPanda 1

no offence, but you'r father's a ******* retard