
By Homeless for the holidays - 13/12/2020 22:58 - United States - Farmington

Today, after I told my roommate last week she needed to find a new place to live because I thought she was psychotic, she set my house on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 136
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

I mean...if you literally told her she was psychotic, you were probably looking for fireworks. If you know someone is crazy, you never TELL them they’re crazy. You come up with any other excuse because you never know what they’re gonna do. They’re CRAZY for chrissakes...

OP, I’m sure it’s no consolation but you were obviously correct about your roommate. I sympathize with you, as a boy our house burned down and we lost nearly everything and had to move in with my grandparents. Eventually it was OK as nobody was hurt and Dad had insurance. I hope you had insurance. I trust you are pressing charges, this nut job is a danger to anyone and their selves. I do agree with someone who said to never tell a crazy person they are crazy - find another excuse. Do be more selective of roommates in the future - though I have no doubt you will be now.


well I hope you got the cops involved and she got arrested cuz that's some crazy bullshit

Marcella1016 31

I mean...if you literally told her she was psychotic, you were probably looking for fireworks. If you know someone is crazy, you never TELL them they’re crazy. You come up with any other excuse because you never know what they’re gonna do. They’re CRAZY for chrissakes...

OP, I’m sure it’s no consolation but you were obviously correct about your roommate. I sympathize with you, as a boy our house burned down and we lost nearly everything and had to move in with my grandparents. Eventually it was OK as nobody was hurt and Dad had insurance. I hope you had insurance. I trust you are pressing charges, this nut job is a danger to anyone and their selves. I do agree with someone who said to never tell a crazy person they are crazy - find another excuse. Do be more selective of roommates in the future - though I have no doubt you will be now.

Holy shit! I hope she's committed indefinitely. And for future reference, don't call a psycho a psycho to their face unless they're already dead.

On the plus side, the furniture won't smell like BO anymore, now will it?

Wadlaen 23

Well, in that case I agree: She has to go!

coius 23

Grandmother in South Omaha, NE got a restraining order against her grandson as he threatened to set her house on fire. Next day her house blew up killing the grandmother, another female, and later dying in the ICU the grandson she feared that would kill her. The grandfather is holding on to life in the ICU at 79 years old. The house was completely leveled by the explosion and damaged houses near it. The entire house is gone reduced to toothpicks. At least yours didn’t kill you. Google wowt or ketv for the real news article. Happened last week!