By steffansk1997 - 15/12/2016 21:08

Today, I had an appointment with the CEO of a big company about a game I'm going to make for them. The first thing I did after sitting down was to throw my coffee all over his desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 506
You deserved it 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"This is what you'd do with your coffee once you've realised how amazing my game is!"

Guess you can say it was the hottest game of the year BA DUM TSS


"This is what you'd do with your coffee once you've realised how amazing my game is!"

Guess you can say it was the hottest game of the year BA DUM TSS

It was an accident, and accidents happen unexpectedly. Hopefully he's not an asshole and understands. Good luck OP

Brewing bitterness in your client is only the first step. Now add a little honey to the mix. He might be sticky, but it'll sweeten him up for sure.

YDI - It's bad form to take drinks into an appointment - for this reason and that it looks unprofessional. You can go 20 minutes or an hour or whatever without nursing a drink.

Odd to hear a CEO of a "large company" involving themself with game developers, unless the company IS a game developer which raises more questions. Indie developer, sure meeting a CEO is likely, but a "large company" CEO runs the company from a business end, not game development. In the end, don't take coffee into meetings?

Does this company happen to be Legends of Learning?

LudicMonster 22

Yes! Now throw his coffee all over his desk as well to further assert your dominance!