By Anonymous - 21/10/2009 03:42 - United States

Today, my roommate revealed that the reason he's so grumpy is because he hasn't gotten laid in a year. I'm his only female friend, and the entire time he talked to me, he stared at my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 484
You deserved it 3 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he's got to get it from somewhere so grab a rubber and get hot and steamy with him

topramen 0

awesome... maybe you should have taken your top off?


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topramen 0

awesome... maybe you should have taken your top off?

youaresofucked 0

Yeah, stop moaning about it on FML. If youre his only girl-friend and you havent ****** him by now then it stands to reason that its ALL YOURE fault that he's grumpy.

he's got to get it from somewhere so grab a rubber and get hot and steamy with him

Mx_Rider 6

i agree with the above^^^^ he has to get it from some where right then and there u should have showed him ur ****!

Dizzygrl08 4

(referring to the comments) men are idiotic >.<. If your friend needs sex that badly, give him 100 bucks so he can get a hooker. I'm sure you yourself wouldn't want to do him

bugmenotmofo 34

He's your friend, don't you want to help make him un-grumpy? At least throw him a ********...

mrzero 0

so what go get laid n make his day. hahaha

chuji 1

Some people are just so vain... I haven't been laid in over 2...