By janice - 03/06/2011 23:23 - United States

Today, my boss called me to his office, and played back a recording of me telling a co-worker that if I still worked there in a year, I would hang myself. He then bitched me out for unprofessional conduct. The taped conversation took place over a year ago, with my recently ex-boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 666
You deserved it 7 721

Same thing different taste

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briidontgive_ 0

he's telling you to hang yourself since you recorded that a year ago


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imacreeper 3

I understand where you're coming from, but that's like getting out of Algreba, saying "I'm gonna kill myself if she/he gives us homework tomorrow.." having it recorded and sent to your principle. I understand she was at work which is a totally different scenario, but we all know it was sarcasm.

So I'm guessing you didn't follow through with your plans? Maybe that's why your boss is mad.

Idiotic are the bosses that take everything so literally and make a federal case out of common banter.

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Well the dude taped her! ...unless it was security cameras..?

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Really? Nobody jokes about suicide? Virtually everyone has jokingly said something on the topic of suicide before.

Of all the topics to joke about it's absolutely the worst. It's just not funny in anyway

he's telling you to hang yourself since you recorded that a year ago

BamBarBiYaKergud 2

omg fyl. reminds me episode from some movie remember which

OceanBreathesSal 5

I thought shows had episodes...

LaDeeDaDeeDaLaLi 0

Dear OP, WTF Sincerely, LaDeDaDe...

sue your boyfriend. recording someone without their permission is illegal

I record "certain people" with no permission but even if I did have permission it would be illegal :o

Different states have different recording laws.

Depends on the state, they're all different

XxMaseratiGurlxX 1

oh sounds like a fun time baha