By moviewalker - 26/11/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, my parents and I went to the movies for my mom's birthday. After the movie, my mom and dad got into a fight, and left me at the movies. My cell phone was dead, and my house was about 12 miles away. They finally came and picked me up, hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 882
You deserved it 3 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they weren't really fighting. Maybe they wanted some special alone time 'cause it was her birthday, and could think of no other way to get it. Either way, it's an FML.

???? Like seriously? Your parents suck, dude. They suck really bad. Really.


It's called a payphone or a bus. If you have a cell phone, you should have at least have change. I mean come on! Don't be completely dependent on your phone or your parents. Especially when the leave you like that. There's always a bus stop around.

Trebie 6

They probably just staged the fight so they could have wild birthday sex at home, uninterrupted.

what do you think your parents were doing for hours before the noticed you were gone

I have no idea why everyone is being so harsh on the op. Being a teen and having your parents forget you = awful. You all need to go back to school to learn how to be human beings.

kelemen 2

The kids a damn moron for not figuring out a way home earlier. Hello, ask someone? It's not that difficult.

Bud_fml 16

You were stuck at a movie theater Hmmmmmmmmmmm what is there for you to do for a few hours at a movie theater... Dumbass XD

sportsnut 0

so your cell phone was dead...are you brain dead too? why not ask someone to borrow thier phone or here's another idea, use a pay phone and if you dont have money for that, ask an employee to borrow their landline. YDI for being a ******* moron

Why would they leave?? I don't understand this. You could have used the theatre's phone, though.

Some people choose not to drive, and use public transportation or a bike for the environment. And SOME people can't afford a car...