By moviewalker - 26/11/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, my parents and I went to the movies for my mom's birthday. After the movie, my mom and dad got into a fight, and left me at the movies. My cell phone was dead, and my house was about 12 miles away. They finally came and picked me up, hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 882
You deserved it 3 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they weren't really fighting. Maybe they wanted some special alone time 'cause it was her birthday, and could think of no other way to get it. Either way, it's an FML.

???? Like seriously? Your parents suck, dude. They suck really bad. Really.


no0000ob 0

**** it!!! just watch another damn movie duh!!1

The "fight" was total BS. They just wanted to go home and shag without the kid there!

if my parent left me in a graveyard. they would be the newest entries in there especially a 12 mile walk

ozymandias_fml 0

So what if your phone was dead? Use the theater's phone. Or a pay phone, or a gas station phone. Call *SOMEONE*.

they went to go have sex. and wanted you gone.

couldn't u ask someone to use their cell phone?

tinkerbell211 0
x5xfmlx5x 0

it prob took them hours cuz they needed 2 have make up sex 1st. stop complaining take 1 for the team

Ever123 0

so what? my car broke down a couple of days ago and I had to walk 29 miles to get to my dads house.