By moviewalker - 26/11/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, my parents and I went to the movies for my mom's birthday. After the movie, my mom and dad got into a fight, and left me at the movies. My cell phone was dead, and my house was about 12 miles away. They finally came and picked me up, hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 882
You deserved it 3 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they weren't really fighting. Maybe they wanted some special alone time 'cause it was her birthday, and could think of no other way to get it. Either way, it's an FML.

???? Like seriously? Your parents suck, dude. They suck really bad. Really.


Uh, you say "your cell was dead" so presumably you could have called for rescue if only you had a phone. Do you not think explaining your situation to the people at the movies, or to any nearby businesses, might have gotten you the use of the phone? Furthermore, for future reference, a human being walks at around 4 mph. "Hours later" to be picked up is around the same amount of time it would have taken to walk home. So yeah, YDI. I have no idea how anybody here is voting FYL.

Since we are in the habit of putting numbers into our cell phones, few people these days have numbers memorized. Asking to use someone else's phone is becoming a thing of the past. Besides, this sounds like a teenager. Having your parents get into a fight and abandon you is distressing, and had I been in a similar situation as a pre-driving teen I wouldn't have known what to do. Also, a brisk walk for a healthy adult is 3mph, not 4, meaning it would have been a 3-hour walk home. Are you suggesting this stranded kid just start walking, without knowing whether the parents were home or not? He/she probably didn't have a key to get into the house, either, since he/she was out with the parents. This is a sucky situation, are you're incredibly insensitive for not realizing that.

So true. You're an idiot if you don't have at least your home or your parents cell memorized.

I agree. also, depending on OP's gender (I didn't check before I hit reply) walking might not have been an option. for me, even at 21, I'm a female and being alone walking without a phone in the city is something I consider dangerous and not an option.

I believe your parents intended to leave your lame ass but felt guilt-ridden when they got home and had a change of heart.

Are you kidding me? It was only 12 miles! I've walked home from my movie theatre that was about that exact distance -.-

guckylynn 19

charge your cell when it gets low... it's not that hard to do

jazzmancarron 11

dude, slap your ******* parents and be like, what the **** was that for you stupid bitch?

that sucks how the hell do they forget their kid?

At least they didn't leave you stranded in a graveyard. ^o^/

Why didn't you just walk home? It's only 12 miles.

WorkThatButt 2

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...


That totally sucks :[ Same thing happened to me once...except it was my best friend and her boyfriend. They got into a dumb arguement and left the theatre. My cell was broken so I did nothing until one of the workers was kind enough to drive me home (don't worry, it wasn't a stranger. She goes to my school. Not a best friend, but I don't dislike her). I agree, FYL. And those who say YDI, that isn't really fair to the OP. He did nothing wrong. It's not like it was his fault that his parents were fighting (if it was, I say YDI. But since I don't know the back-story, I cannot assume it was his fault. Therefore, FYL). I'm sorry you had to wait such a long time. Hope you had a serious chat with your parents about that...I know I would!