By Mary - 30/07/2017 05:00

Today, my officemate used the telephone beside my desk again. I still can't think of a better way to tell him how awful bad his breath is without the having to do it personally. We've been workmates for a year now and he still hasn't gotten a clue, despite of me covering my nose every time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 683
You deserved it 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people know but just don't care. I told my ex time and again that kissing him was like tonguing a dog's ass, but he never did anything to fix it.

Get a huge bucket of mints and a typed note saying, "USE THESE and invest in a toothbrush and toothpaste, and USE THEM for the love of mercy. Your breath smells like *insert comparison." While he is out of the office, put them on his desk, tape the note to the bucket, and wait. If he doesn't have a desk, have it delivered to him anonymously. For best results, use a bright coloured piece of paper so he can't "miss" it. You can also put a pack of toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouth wash in there if you REALLY want him to get the hint. If that doesn't work, talk to HR about it, because if his dental hygiene is bad, it's very likely that his general hygiene is as well.


Get a huge bucket of mints and a typed note saying, "USE THESE and invest in a toothbrush and toothpaste, and USE THEM for the love of mercy. Your breath smells like *insert comparison." While he is out of the office, put them on his desk, tape the note to the bucket, and wait. If he doesn't have a desk, have it delivered to him anonymously. For best results, use a bright coloured piece of paper so he can't "miss" it. You can also put a pack of toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouth wash in there if you REALLY want him to get the hint. If that doesn't work, talk to HR about it, because if his dental hygiene is bad, it's very likely that his general hygiene is as well.

Some people know but just don't care. I told my ex time and again that kissing him was like tonguing a dog's ass, but he never did anything to fix it.

Either come right out and tell them, or do what I was taught to do and dry cough until they gets the hint (or until they ask what's wrong and you tell them).

readingrachel 9

Set a sound on your computer and offer him a mint every time. Keep this going for a whole (I'm talking about multiple sounds every hour) until they are conditioned then play the sound and don't offer them a mint, play it cool when they offer their hand for a mint and they will feel their mouth start to taste terrible and they will realize how terrible their breath is

Ask him "If you wanted to let someone know they had bad breath, how would you do it without upsetting them?"

Just tell him! would you rather suffer? think of it this way- even if he gets offended it's for the best because he'll purposely avoid you, right?

Lobby_Bee 17

Start offering him mouthwash in a Gatorade bottle.

species4872 19

Stop ******* around and just tell him. He's a big boy.

This. I worked at my current job for over a year before someone finaly told me i had a hygene issue. The moment i found out i changed my habits, showering in the morning instead of the evening and applying deoderent again mid day etc. The issue is gone, because someone finally told me. I only wish that soneone had told me to my face instead if having to have the entire thing go through HR. A whole year and noone told me.

This. I worked at my current job for over a year before someone finaly told me i had a hygene issue. The moment i found out i changed my habits, showering in the morning instead of the evening and applying deoderent again mid day etc. The issue is gone, because someone finally told me. I only wish that soneone had told me to my face instead if having to have the entire thing go through HR. A whole year and noone told me.

He just thinks you’re covering up your big or misshapen nose out of shame.

Subtle hints don't always work, so you need to tell him straight up. Get a sample size mouthwash. Next time he annoys you with his bad breath, just hand it to him. If that doesn't work, report him to HR. Bad breath can cause a potential client to leave.

reporting your co worker for bad breath?! Dam if thats your biggest problem at work life is good!

wawa_sxm, bad breathe is a sign of poor dental hygiene. And if someone is too lazy to spend two to three minutes brushing their teeth, do you really think they "waste" time on other hygiene practices? Or hygiene at all? Because they don't tend to. Most of the people I've met with bad breathe are tend to not wipe completely or not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. The really gross ones do both. So yeah, reporting to HR is well within the point of logical responses.