By headache - 04/05/2019 14:00

Today, I have a new office-mate. I'm not particularly sensitive to odours but he wears so much cologne, I nearly throw up every time he walks in. Only 8 more hours till fresh air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 847
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Say something to them. He probably does not know. I had a mate who had the typing noise turned on his phone. I spoke to him and he turned it off. He did not know it is considered rude.

Talk to them and if that doesn’t work talk to your supervisor. I have horrid allergies and found this is the best route. Some people just don’t realize they are wearing so much or have a scent that can cause reactions to others. Hope you get fresh air soon!


Open the window and check if you're pregnant (if you're a woman).

Say something to them. He probably does not know. I had a mate who had the typing noise turned on his phone. I spoke to him and he turned it off. He did not know it is considered rude.

You ought to start farting a lot to get back at him.

Talk to them and if that doesn’t work talk to your supervisor. I have horrid allergies and found this is the best route. Some people just don’t realize they are wearing so much or have a scent that can cause reactions to others. Hope you get fresh air soon!