By smellynelly - 17/05/2015 16:13 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I found out the reason my co-workers have been giving me gum every day is not because of their generosity, but because everyone in the office thinks my breath smells. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 862
You deserved it 11 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they tried hinting it to you nicely :)

Always carry gum with you. My breath can get really bad without gum. Trust me, guy or girl no one wants to talk to someone with bad breath. Just be glad you found out now, rather than have someone tell you later OP.


At least they tried hinting it to you nicely :)

Exactly. They sound much nicer than some coworkers who'd probably just laugh about it behind a persons back.

^you never know if they do. they are probably like "omg I spend half my paycheck on gum for this chick. shit!"

That's not always the cause of bad breath. It could be a health issue.

I had a coworker who brushed his teeth regularly but it didn't help his death breath. We ended up doing the same thing as OP's coworkers, giving him gum frequently.

Acid reflux is one example of how health issues can affect the smell of one's breath.

I agree. OP should just take a mini toothbrush or mouthwash to work, probably some floss too.

as oposed to the bad way - throwing OP out the window?

Or like meanly telling him his breath sucks or insulting him.

Steffi3 40

Hey, better find out late then never. This is your chance: fix it

Always carry gum with you. My breath can get really bad without gum. Trust me, guy or girl no one wants to talk to someone with bad breath. Just be glad you found out now, rather than have someone tell you later OP.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

now who wants to hear; you need this your breathe reeks.

Well didn't you get the message after five co-workers gave you gum simultaneously? Haha on a serious note OP you should invest in mouthwash :)

Talk to your dentist, see if he can give you any recommendations