By Loser - 01/11/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, I was playing a game of truth or dare in a group with a girl I liked. She was dared to kiss me, but then the group decided that that was too cruel of a dare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 636
You deserved it 4 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The exact same thing happened to my friend last night, except he used to date the girl and thats why it would be too cruel... ethan, if this is you, you kinda left out that part.


ihavenoideawho 0

Ouch +1. happened to me once as well... i know how you feel

Maybe they just dont like kissing? How old are they? Once when i played truth or dare i got dared to kiss a girl but i was too scared back then, lol.

South_Park_Shay 0

Those kinda things happen... and you kinda gotta say "screw them." 2nd?

yeah, but still bro, that would have been the opportunity for OP to show the girl his kissing skills that hes been practicing on poster-sized enlarged copies of pictures of her he took from the shrubs outside her bathroom window.

thats too many details to be made up on the spot. is there anything youd like to share with the group?

Antivirus_fml 0

Okay, now when nobody is around, follow her until you both are alone, then kiss her & f*ck her, and and and............ wake up?

Don't worry what goes around comes around!

aero_fml 0

That's why you use a condom PS are you really a 747 pilot

haha. yeah. what goes around comes around. lol

perdix 29

And the girl you "liked" didn't correct the crowd and kiss you anyway? Well, now you know where you stand with her. For people like you, you can always look for a glory hole.

The exact same thing happened to my friend last night, except he used to date the girl and thats why it would be too cruel... ethan, if this is you, you kinda left out that part.

PkSk8ter 0

Damn! You should go beat them up