By JustShutUp - 27/07/2016 18:40

Today, my neighbour was singing in the shower so loud that I could understand every word. He was singing "Purple Rain", which wouldn't have been so bad if he only knew a bit more of the lyrics. He has been singing those same two words for half an hour now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 527
You deserved it 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mariri9206 32

Don't rain on his parade. XD (And, yes, I know. Bring on the downvotes.)

Join in - maybe you can teach him some more of the words!


mariri9206 32

Don't rain on his parade. XD (And, yes, I know. Bring on the downvotes.)

Join in - maybe you can teach him some more of the words!

She can help him hit those high notes

muis545 21

I feel you. There's nothing worse than being showered with shitty singing.

This is why I learn songs first before singing. I could sing whole albums in the shower! :p

Purple Rain, purple rain! Purple rain!, purple rain!! Purple rain!, purple rain!!! ... Purple rain!!! Purple rain!!!

AJSAngel 5

Print up the lyrics, put them in an unmarked envelope, and tape it to his front door.

Good thought, although the "unmarked" is not going to make much odds - who else is going to know that he needs to learn the words?

menja 29

The neighbor on the other side? Or downstairs? Or upstairs? Who knows?

The neighbor he awkwardly catches taping an envelope to his door when he opens it to go to work?

Either way, the neighbor isnt dry and OP still felt the pain.

Print the lyrics, handwrite "Please, if you must do that, learn this. Thanks. - all your neighbors." on the paper, slide it under his door.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

I like the 'print out the lyrics' ideas, but it just seems passive-aggressive to me. Purchase a copy of the album for them, with the printed lyrics to the whole thing. Then you can hear more lyrics, and possibly more than one song. And you've done something nice for yourself *and* for them.