By Thesuz - 06/09/2013 03:27 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my neighbour was practicing his opera singing, drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 646
You deserved it 3 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28
simplysarcastics 26

I imagine his voice was very high pitched, scratchy, and off key. Your poor ears!


bbedlock_fml 7

I imagine he would've sounded a lot like Florence Foster Jenkins! (look it up!)

Well was it good? Some people do better drunk oddly...

When high notes he probably sounded like he was having an ******. XD

First few moments must've been great, not so sure of the rest...

How does someone deserve that. anyone who put you deserved it is a true idiot or as they say in japan 君は実に馬鹿だな or kimi wa jitsu ni baka dana.

君は実に馬鹿だな or kimi wa jitsu ni baka dana.

knotcool 15

Well be thankful you don't live in a college town OP, every weekend, semester break, holiday, or random day they feel like partying is fair game for a party, which usually involves yelling, bottles breaking, and karaoke...on a mic and amp. Trust me, it could always get worse .

That's actually kinda funny, but yeah, FYL.