By omfgfmlife - 05/07/2011 14:32 - United States

Today, my mother insisted I thoroughly water all the plants in and around my house before some people turned up. This would be fine except 90% of them are fake. She is convinced it will make them look "realer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 303
You deserved it 3 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxsarahfxx 6

Always listen to your mother ! :)

Just be lucky you didn't pick up her genetics, hopefully.


just say you watered them and when she says "oh you did? they still don't look very real to me" be like well guess it didn't work!!! that'll get her convinced for sure

FYL for having a mom who doesn't have a grasp on the English language.

does she also give her wigs haircuts so they don't grow too long?

HahaYDI 0

Take some hallucinogens, that'd make them seem "realer" too.

Yeah, and tell her if they mildew, it will smell like organic tea. That's good if you're going for that natural feel.

642_fml 0

Shut your ass up retard if she said"realer then its a word stupid

iAmScrubs 19

642 - That was a pretty stupidididdadioddildo comment you made. Hey, I just said stupidididdadioddildo. Does that make it a word?

Piss on the plants and say they're watered..

Moms don't like to be proven wrong. She probably thought that they were real, but you proved her wrong. Also, because you were having company, she was probably stressed, like my mom does.