Not so Karate Kid

By Matthew - 09/03/2020 19:00 - United States - Juneau

Today, my mom told me to do karate with her, and so I said no. Now my mom won't let me do anything until I go do karate with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 344
You deserved it 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mccuish 25

Karate is fun. This is coming from someone who has their 2nd degree black belt

Give her a crane kick... If do right, no can defend!


Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

dude..... love your mom while you have her. she just wants to spend some time with you, be grateful. a lot of us have parents who wanted nothing to do with them.

Ambrily 27

Yes, but it should be time spent doing something they both want to do. Also, not letting your child do anything if they don't do what you want first is abusive. If the mom wants to spend time with the kid, she could try to find another activity to do together and take karate lessons by herself or with someone who's interested too.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

Life is not always fair, and there is nothing wrong with putting your children in SELF DEFENSE classes (an essential life skill). I highly doubt any activity that actually involves spending time with this childs parent is going to be accepted. And as for abuse..... being grounded for not listening is called CONSEQUENCE, not abuse. I'm so damn sick of everyone throwing that term around for just about anything!!!! Get real.

Give her a crane kick... If do right, no can defend!

mccuish 25

Karate is fun. This is coming from someone who has their 2nd degree black belt

"karate is fun this is coming from someone whose really biased, you can trust me!"

Be thankful her hobby isn’t amateur ****. Go spend time with your mom, she’s trying to bond with you

forcing someone to do what they don't want to do isn't how you "bond" it's how you force and breed animosity