By Ella - 05/07/2011 11:48 - Australia

Today, I tried to talk to my boyfriend about our communication problems. He fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 247
You deserved it 7 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

He is trying to communicate with you through his dreams. I think he is most likely a wizard from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


doing_it_ritee 5
DeesFMLs 0

or put his hand in warm water and watch his piss himself.

^ Why do you have to go and make everything so serious? I mean really? Really? **** you man. God. I can't even look at you the same anymore man. Damn.

KingGeorgeGal 12

I suggest if this happens again to see a marriage counselor to help you sort out the problems, or threaten him to see a marriage counselor, that'd will keep him awake.

maybe she should show some cleavage that will at least keep him awake ;)

you don't have to be married to show cleavage?

julayye 0

what's wrong with 58 giving some serious advice?

KingGeorgeGal 12

Sorry I misread and I was trying to help the Op out?

Obviously it isn't getting resolved anytime soon.

miniluda12 12
iSitt 0

next time he wants sex, fall asleep

I think you need to work on your communication skills

iAmScrubs 19

He is trying to communicate with you through his dreams. I think he is most likely a wizard from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Maybe he be one of the wizards in waverly place.... nope, yours was better.

iAmScrubs 19

Now I'm thinking about Selena Gomez! Way to go Sassy!

That's what I think about 24/7. One day I'll find Selena Gomez, tell her my love, and then hopefully she would giggle and say" nice meeting you" and then she will soon forget about me and I will still remember that moment for the rest of my life.

ThisRandomChild 0

Dude, sassy, shes clearly a lesbian. I mean, her and justin(e) beiber r mackin on each other big time. Plus there both like 12. Perv. Lmfao

Everything you just told me is a lie. Why you gotta be a lier, lier.

Actually both are correct, I just say the "lier" way because I show it can be done and when people try to correct me it brings me fun.

whoisthisgirl 4

be more demanding! maybe that'll make him listen. for a while..

enonymous 8

What is guy thinking. Whenever this topic comes up you must wear sunglasses.

scruffy_janitor5 1

I think that he was trying to tell you he was tired

comepoopwithme 0

actions speak louder then words

Destabilized 0