Thanks, mom

By Anonymous - 24/10/2020 11:03 - United States - Kenton

Today, my mom saw me holding a plant and told me to walk around with it, to replace all of the oxygen I waste. FML
I agree, your life sucks 903
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's so stupid. You'd need to carry around a few trees before you could come close to offsetting the oxygen you waste.


She's so stupid. You'd need to carry around a few trees before you could come close to offsetting the oxygen you waste.

Well we are all contributing to global warming. We are all wasting oxygen. Very few of us contribute to the world in a meaningful way so tell your mom that she needs to go plant a few trees. And BTW way there is no way we are able to make up for the water we use.

We are not net consumers of water. What's running low is fresh water. It's a matter of the extra energy required to make water safe to use.

Dad jokes are bad (in a good way) but mom jokes are savage.

coius 23

Tell her she needs to keep her legs closed if she produces nothing but nitwits. Take her down with you!