By anonymous - 17/09/2010 08:19 - United States

Today, my mom was going through the newspaper and cutting out coupons for me to use. She hands me two of them, one for tampons and the other for a pregnancy test saying "well, you're gonna need one or the other this month." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 739
You deserved it 7 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is this a problem? You *are* going to use one or the other this month, aren't you? (I mean, unless you're a guy). Were you under the impression your mother doesn't know you have a menstrual cycle? Or do you think that your mom shouldn't be referring to your cycle, because that's something very intimate and private.... and should only be talked about on the Internet with a bunch of strangers?


avenged7fold6661 0

most of the ppl I know do use one or the other each month

At least she's being equally biased in her opinion of you.

Thanks for clarifying the obvious there.

How is this an fml? She's got the right idea there.

cantfightfate 0

this is not an fml. your mom is funny, and you WILL be using one of those this month, take the coupons, save the money.

wtf you got coupons and ur saying fml?? what?!? theres kids in africa that havnt even heard of tampons

ohh here comes the "kids in Africa" speeches. damn

avenged7fold6661 0

as in thinking they're prego every month...but at least your moms helping you out op just take the coupons

cantfightfate 0

a7x rocks!! I just saw them in concert on september 4th. :)

Currentlyonfire 4

she should of handed you a third for coathangets. just in case.

breakingakajav 0

pretty much, I don't see why she got agitated over it. Not a FML nor a YDI

if you have to take a pregnancy test and you're not in a relationship, you're a ****

Seriously... where's the FML? You got free coupons and a mom with a sense of humor. Too bad you don't have one...

Lol your mom is awesome, how is this an FML?? I find this a pure win.

42, stop being a dickwad. I live in South Africa. Believe it or not, we are just as civilized as the US/UK. OP, how is this an FML? You've got coupons, and a mom with a sense of humour. It's obvious that you're going to use one of the two, so I don't see the problem.

Apparently OP doesn't use tampons or pregnancy tests... I wonder if she knows she's a girl.

your mom knows what's up!.. I think she is calling you a ****.. and a moody bitch. I'm just saying:P

jamiebuczko 0
divastar139 0

hahaha funny. Probably true too!!

unless your Amish, being on birth control doesn't make anyone a ****

Seem like a fair statement.. accept the coupons with gratitude and save 79 cents on your next purchase!

WIN!!! Thoughtful, smart, financially responsible. Good job mom!

I don't get it... can someone explain please?

I think ops mom is saying she's fat enough to be pregnant . and she's either just fat (needs tampons) or pregnant (needs tester)

since when does using tampons have any association with being fat?

It doesn't. He means that the OP could've gained weight, and it could be that she's pregnant (needs a test), or that she just gained weight, and is going to get her period as usual (needs tampons).

cooldukenukem 2

has nothing to do with weight. the mom is just implying that the daughter might be having sex and therefor will need a pregnancy test. and if she's not pregnant she will need tampons

Peacemaker9 7

well ur not. hoisting American flag long live America long live America. that's if the first person is american anyway

French flag is white? no wait, youre just surrendering, nvm.

lotuspod 0

how is this a parenting fail OP could be of age and even if she under 18 kids will do what they want regardless how well you are as a parent

How is giving your kid a coupon a parenting fail?

MissErikaHart 0

pick up sum condoms when u go to the store too

How is this a problem? You *are* going to use one or the other this month, aren't you? (I mean, unless you're a guy). Were you under the impression your mother doesn't know you have a menstrual cycle? Or do you think that your mom shouldn't be referring to your cycle, because that's something very intimate and private.... and should only be talked about on the Internet with a bunch of strangers?

MissErikaHart 0

maybe she on birth control and really wont need either

Agreed with 15. And most people on birth control still have periods.