By MrCanoe - 01/03/2009 21:58 - Canada

Today, my mom had my girlfriend and me over. Out of the blue, she pulled out my grandmother's wedding ring and gave it to me saying I can now propose. My girlfriend started screaming and said yes. I have been seeing someone else for 3 months and was going to break up with my girlfriend tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 130 215
You deserved it 300 136

Same thing different taste

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Dear FML, Today, when I went to my boyfriend's house, his mom pulled out his grandmother's wedding ring and said he could propose to me now. I was extremely excited and said "Yes" immediately. I later found out he's been cheating on me for 3 months and was going to break up with me the next day. FML. Now THAT would be a FML.

Why the hell would you cheat on your girlfriend? Seriously, if you were done with her then BE done with her. If you're in it just for the ****** flaps, then I would assume your new person has better ones since that's all you were in it for. Otherwise, I'll have to say: terri-fail. But, you have some pretty horri-bad luck too.

mehwhateverr 0

that's what you get for cheating.

Two-timing your girlfriend is always a classy option.

tru_blu09 0

such a bastard! if you gotta cheat, u shuda broke up with her...

Haha, your mom proposed to your girlfriend.

I hope when you tell her of your actual intentions, she screams and gives you a karate chop to the jugular.


that's kind of mean. why did you leave her hanging?

Cheating - never OK. Bad person. But interfering mothers who pull stunts like that because they want to see grandkids ASAP - epic fail.